P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 2155

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§ 2155. Non-contentious matters

The notary may handle the following matters and procedures, in addition to attending to the matters and procedures that are attributed to them by law at present:

(1) Of the Special Legal Procedures Act: previously the Code of Civil Procedure: testate and intestate proceedings; declarations of heirship (§§ 2301 and 2302 of Title 32) and acceptance of the charge, and the issuing of letters testamentary to an executor, by a Notary who is not the one registered in the office of the official notary in the will (§ 2571 of Title 32) is registered.

(2) Of the certification and registering of holographic wills (§§ 2163—2167 of Title 31).

(3) Of the statement of simple absence (§ 201 of Title 31).

(4) Of the procedures under Rule 42.2 of Civil Procedure to perpetuate facts in which no controversy is stated, and that will not result in prejudice of a certain and determined person, nor are intended to be used to confer the identity of a person.

(5) Of the procedures for the correction of records that are in the Demographic Registry, and the changes of names and surnames (§ 1231 of Title 24).

History —Aug. 21, 1999, No. 282, § 2, eff. July 31, 2000.