P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 2103

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§ 2103. Inspection and examination—Disparity of criteria; solution

If, during the course of inspection of the notarial protocol, any difference of criteria arises between the Protocols Inspector and the notary with regard to the form and manner he keeps his protocols and registry of affidavits, with respect to compliance with this chapter, the cancelling of fees, or any other act related to the certification of the documents or instruments, the Inspector shall state it in his report, briefly listing the facts and the grounds of the controversy. This report shall be submitted to the Court of First Instance Part, without payment of fees or taxes of any type, so that after hearing the Inspector and the notary it may resolve the controversy. The ensuing resolution may be reviewed by the Supreme Court through certiorari filed within the thirty (30) days after being notified; all of which is subject to the provisions of § 2105 of this title.

History —July 2, 1987, No. 75, p. 242, § 63, eff. 60 days after July 2, 1987.