P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 2066

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§ 2066. Copies—Refusal to issue

Once a notary has refused to issue a copy one may appear formally or informally before the Director of the Office of Notarial Inspection, who, having heard said notary and the complainant, shall dictate what is in order. If the decision directs that a copy be issued, the notary shall record it on the copy’s issuance annotation in the main deed and in its certification annotation. Such a resolution shall be drafted in a brief and concise manner and the notary shall be notified.

The notary’s denial, confirmed by the Director of the Office of Inspection of Notarial Offices, may be appealed before the competent part of the Court of First Instance. Said part may order the issuance of the copy or confirm the denial after examining the arguments of the appellant and the resolution of the Director of the Office of Inspection of Notarial Offices. Such resolution may be revised by the Supreme Court through certiorari.

History —July 2, 1987, No. 75, p. 242, § 44, eff. 60 days after July 2, 1987.