P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 1307

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1307. Executive Director—Functions and duties

(a) Administer and supervise the operations of the Office, including all its personnel.

(b) Recruit and appoint personnel, as well as contract the necessary technical and professional services to execute the purposes of this chapter, subject to the applicable laws and regulations.

(c) Coordinate and solicit to obtain information through the Criminal Justice Information System (SUC, Spanish acronym), the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the Vehicle and Driver Information System (VADIS/DAVID), the Courts Administration Office (OAT, Spanish acronym), and any other similar information systems.

(d) Prepare reports to the Secretary, on the work accomplished by the Office, including statistical studies based on the data compiled.

(e) Prepare the annual budget of the Office and submit [it] to the Secretary for his/her approval.

(f) Adopt and promulgate the regulations that are necessary or convenient to implement the provisions of this chapter, including the requirements for the agents of the Special Investigation and Arrest Special Unit to possess and carry firearms. The Executive Director shall adopt and promulgate the regulations and norms for the contracting, appointment and compensation of the Office personnel, that shall adjust to the essential merit principles; he/she shall also establish, through regulations, the norms and conditions that shall govem the rendering of services to the Office by persons assigned by other government agencies or by natural or juridical private persons, and for accepting donations in services, in kind or cash, from other Puerto Rico government agencies or from other jurisdictions and to participate in federal or other jurisdictional programs, as well as other government or private institutions.

(g) Any other function entrusted by the Secretary.

History —Aug. 12, 1995, No. 177, § 7, renumbered as § 6 and amended on Aug. 4, 1997, No. 58, § 6.