P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 884

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§ 884. Administration of oaths, affidavits, and affirmations—Affidavits within and without Puerto Rico

Affidavits may be made before either of the following officers who are authorized to take such affidavits and give a certificate thereof:

(1) If taken within Puerto Rico before the officers named in § 882 of this title.

(2) If taken without Puerto Rico and within the United States before any clerk of a court of record having a seal, any notary public, or any commissioner of deeds, duly appointed under the laws of Puerto Rico, within some state or territory.

(3) If without the United States, before any notary public, or any minister, commissioner, or charge d’affaires of the United States resident in, and accredited to, the country where the affidavit may be taken; or any consul general, vice consul general, consul, vice consul, commercial agent, vice commercial agent, deputy consul or consular agent of the United States in such country, or any commissioner of deeds, duly appointed under the laws of Puerto Rico, within such country.

History —Mar. 12, 1903, p. 39, § 4.