P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 533c

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 533c. Duties and functions of the Intergovernmental Committee

(a) The Committee shall meet at least once (1) every month, and shall hold meetings as are necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter. Meetings shall be called by the Secretary of Justice who shall preside over the Committee.

(b) All the agreements of the Committee shall be approved by a simple majority of its members.

(c) The Committee shall establish the structure and determine the operating rules of the “Criminal Justice Information System”.

(d) The Committee shall establish and promulgate the System’s rules and regulations, in accordance with the code of laws in effect, and amend the same.

(e) The Committee shall designate the Administrative Director of the System and the Director of the Data Center.

(f) The Committee shall establish the guidelines, supervise the operations, and evaluate the performance of the System’s work group.

(g) The Committee shall consider requests made by other entities inside and outside of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and shall enter into data sharing agreements as are necessary and convenient for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(h) The Committee shall analyze and evaluate laws, regulations, and practices of the Federal Government and other state governments regarding criminal justice information systems to improve the System of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and ensure compliance with the applicable federal legislation.

(i) The Committee shall identify existing technologies and equipment of each of the government entities stated herein, and the necessary technologies and equipment for the implementation of this chapter.

(j) The Committee shall approve the acquisition of equipment ensuring that such equipment achieves the purposes of this chapter and the parameters established in the Protocol.

(k) The Committee shall investigate complaints in connection with violations of the provisions of this chapter.

(l) The Committee shall promote statistical, criminal, procedural, administrative, and substantive research based on the data entered in the System seeking to improve the System.

(m) The Committee shall enter into collaboration agreements with the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics for the analysis and interpretation of the data captured and entered into the System.

(n) The Committee shall issue a certificate through the Criminal Identification Division of the Puerto Rico Police Department, including data regarding decisions and verdicts; a file thereof shall be available in the Criminal Justice Information System.

(o) Any individual, upon identity verification, or his/her designated counsel may request and obtain a criminal record certificate.

(p) The Committee’s decisions shall be made observing and not hindering the autonomy and separation of the legislative, judicial, and executive powers provided in the Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(q) The Committee shall review any adverse determination of the Administrative Director in the event that a citizen files a written complaint alleging that the data captured and entered in the System is incorrect, incomplete, and unauthorized by law.

(r) The Committee shall approve the necessary rules and bylaws for its internal operations and to achieve the purposes of this chapter.

(s) The Committee shall have the authority to accept gifts, whether in kind or technical or professional services, provided by individuals, nonprofit institutions, the Government of the United States or of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision thereof.

(t) The Committee may create as many work groups as are necessary to ensure the optimum performance of the System and enforce this chapter. Said work groups shall be composed of persons with the adequate experience to advise the Committee in all that pertains to the technical aspects of the creation, implementation, and follow-up of the Protocol.

History —Aug. 26, 2014, No. 143, § 6.