P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 24l

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§ 24l. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court—Designation of judges for special matters

The Chief Justice shall designate judges of the Court of First Instance to deal with assignments of a special nature. In the designation provided herein, the Chief Justice shall take into consideration, among others, those matters identified as complex civil litigation cases, or whose consideration provokes a delay in the adjudication of cases in the courts; the need to provide access to citizens during flexible hours; the assignment of judges to address problems of congestion in the diverse courtrooms; criminal or civil cases whose adjudication warrants expertise and special attention; procedures in specific cases established through special laws and the commitment shown by the judges to be designated, to advance the principles and objectives of this chapter.

The Chief Justice shall determine, by means of an order, the need of the special assignment, and compensation in addition to the corresponding salary.

History —Aug. 22, 2003, No. 201, § 2.011, renumbered as § 2.014 on Sept. 29, 2004, No. 509, § 4.