P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 24i-2

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§ 24i-2. Useless documents—Powers for administration

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or the Administrative Director of the Courts, through the delegation of the latter, shall establish the standards and procedures for selling official and judicial and any other documents declared to be useless once destroyed and unreproducible [sic] pursuant to the standards of the Conservation and Disposal of Documents of the Judicial Branch Program, and which have commercial value in the paper sellers market so as to proceed with their sale. The standards and procedures approved for such purposes shall be in agreement with the public policy of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as to the disposal of solid waste, be it through their reduction and recycling or through other processes established by law.

The revenues proceeding from said sales may be deposited by the Judicial Branch in special separate accounts in the banking institutions of their choosing designated by law as depositories of public funds and said deposits, as well as the interest produced thereby, shall be used by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or by the Administrative Director of the Courts for the benefit of the Judicial Branch.

The surplus funds and interest may be used by said Branch on subsequent fiscal years.

History —Aug. 22, 2003, No. 201, added as § 2.010 on Sept. 29, 2004, No. 509, § 2.