P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 244

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§ 244. Vested rights; statutory intent

Every participant shall, by reason of his contributions to the System, have a vested right in the refunds and the death benefits provided by §§ 233—246 of this title. By virtue of this vested right, it shall be taken for granted that every participant consents and agrees to having his contributions to the System herein created deducted from his salary. These contributions shall be made in the form of deductions from the salary of the employee; the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico or any paymaster of an employer is hereby authorized to make the said deductions.

Payment to the participant of his salary less the deduction, together with his vested right to refund, shall constitute a total and complete discharge of any and all claims for services rendered during the period covered by said payment.

If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of §§ 233—246 of this title is declared null or unconstitutional, such declaration shall in no manner affect the other sections, sentences, clauses, or phrases of such sections, which shall remain as fully in force and effect as if the section, sentence, clause, or phrase so declared null or unconstitutional were not a part of such sections.

History —Oct. 19, 1954, No. 12, p. 152, § 12, retroactive to July 1, 1954.