P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 241a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 241a. Provisions to expedite the processes

The Courts Administration Office shall submit all required documents to the Retirement Systems Administration within the thirty (30) days following the date of any application for retirement benefits or liquidation of funds. The System shall process the application for benefits or liquidation of funds within the thirty (30) days following the date of filling of the application with the required documents, as required by the Retirement System.

If the Courts Administration Office fails to comply with the obligation established in this section, it shall be responsible for paying the participant an amount equal to the monthly salary he/she received on the date of the application for retirement benefits or liquidation of funds.

History —Oct. 19, 1954, No. 12, p. 152, added as § 9-A on Aug. 26, 2005, No. 94, § 3.