P.R. Laws tit. 4, § 236a

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 236a. Pension for years of service over nineteen (19) years

Notwithstanding the provisions of § 236 of this title, in the case of participants who have enrolled in the System for the first time on or before June 30, 2014, and without having reached the age of (60) have completed eight (8) years of service as a judge, have thirty (30) years or more of credited service and apply for a pension, said pension shall be equal to sixty percent (60%) of the highest salary earned as a judge. Participants who have completed eight (8) years of credited service as a judge and have reached the age indicated below, shall also be entitled to receive a pension:

(a) Twenty (20) years of accredited service and sixty-two (62) years of age.

(b) Twenty-one (21) years of accredited service and sixty-one (61) years of age.

(c) Twenty-two (22) years of accredited service and sixty (60) years of age.

(d) Twenty-three (23) years of accredited service and fifty-nine (59) years of age.

(e) Twenty-four (24) years of accredited service and fifty-eight (58) years of age.

(f) Twenty-five (25) years of accredited service and fifty-seven (57) years of age.

(g) Twenty-six (26) years of accredited service and have reached the age of fifty-six (56) years of age.

(h) Twenty-seven (27) years of accredited service and have reached the age of fifty-five (55) years of age.

This annuity shall not be subject to the actuarial reduction provided in § 236 of this title, except in the case of a specific participant who, having the years of accredited service referred to in subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) above, but has not attained the age required in the said subsection, is only entitled to a deferred retirement pension, and under such circumstances he/she requests and is granted a pension. In such a case, said participant shall be reduced to a sum which, as of the age attained on the retirement date, represents the equivalent of a pension payable when the participant attains the age required in said subsection.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, participants who are eligible to apply for a retirement pension as provided in this section on or before July 1, 2015, may receive a pension equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the highest salary earned as a judge.

The participant who resigns to the office of judge and that, without abandoning the public service, goes on to hold another public office, may continue to avail him/herself of, and contributing to the Judicature Retirement System, if on the date of resignation to the office of judge he/she had complied with the requirements to receive a pension pursuant to this chapter. The salary to be calculated for the purpose of the formula to calculate the pension shall be the last salary received in the public service. Furthermore, the employer contribution and the individual contribution shall be those established by the Judicature Retirement System.

History —Oct. 19, 1954, No. 12, p. 152, added as § 4-A on June 25, 1969, No. 72, p. 219, § 1; Apr. 26, 1972, No. 21, p. 42, § 2; May 31, 1972, No. 75, p. 160, § 3; July 28, 1993, No. 34, § 4-A; Apr. 11, 2002, No. 55, § 1; Dec. 24, 2013, No. 162, § 3.