P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 181

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§ 181. Farm credit security—Purpose of loans

The Farm Credit Corporation is hereby empowered to secure loans and credits, it being understood that loans and credits are all types of financing, in cash, purchase of materials and rendering of services, granted by legally-established credit institutions, and private and public corporations, to farmers and to farm entities, including the sugar mills, for farm purposes and for repairs, improvements and operations of sugar mills, as well as to secure interest and/or incidental expenses caused in the transaction and collection of such loans and credits when it is so determined by regulations. For the purposes of securing loans and credits to sugar mills, it shall be a requirement that they pledge and bind the necessary collateral guaranties for their payment. Under the term of §§ 181—185a of this title the Farm Credit Corporation may secure loans and credits for agricultural production, including poultry raising and apiculture, and for the preparation for marketing, warehousing, and transportation of the byproducts thereof. The security of said loans and credits shall be dealt with in accordance with the requirements, standards and regulations the Farm Credit Corporation may establish.

History —Oct. 4, 1954, No. 1, p. 178, § 1; June 16, 1960, No. 93, p. 196; June 19, 1961, No. 76, § 1; June 9, 1971, No. 26, p. 52, § 1; Sept. 19, 1983, No. 15, p. 383, § 1.