P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 153

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 153. Loans on products and agricultural implements—Execution of certificate in stub book

The agriculturist desirous of contracting a loan upon said articles shall appear before the Court of First Instance with two responsible witnesses, and sign, together with the Judge of the town where said articles may be found, and on the stub book kept for the purpose by the Court of First Instance, a sworn statement clearly detailing the amount, class and current price on said day of the goods which are to act as guaranty, which goods must be of his own property, stating also the amount he is to solicit with the said guaranty. This document shall bear the seal of the Court of First Instance and be signed by the judge and the agriculturist, or by the clerk of said court if the said agriculturist does not know how to sign. The part taken off the stub book, which shall be the same as the original, shall be the certificate enabling the agriculturist to procure the loan.

History —Mar. 10, 1904, p. 141, § 3.