The Secretary or his authorized representatives, at any time after the giving of public notice as provided in § 746 of this title, shall deliver to any person who is then the owner, bailee, or custodian of livestock within such quarantine zone, a written notice requiring such person to herd and pen all his livestock, allowing and enabling the Secretary or his authorized representatives to give the necessary general and systematic treatment on the date specified in the notice and on any other dates and for the time it is necessary, until the Secretary or his authorized representatives advise that the treatments are to cease. The Secretary or his authorized representatives may require the owner, bailee or custodian of the livestock, by prior notice, to again herd and pen the livestock to verify if it has become reinfected or not; and said process shall be resumed as many times as needed, while the zone, farm or herd is under quarantine. All cattle treated at the time of the general and systematic treatment, shall be suitably marked or sealed for identification by a representative of the Secretary with a painted mark or seal, prescribed by the Secretary pursuant to the provisions of § 755 of this title.
History —May 15, 1936, No. 106, p. 542, § 7; May 6, 1988, No. 24, p. 96, § 7.