P.R. Laws tit. 5, § 613n

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§ 613n. Penalties

Any person who violates any provision of §§ 613—613n of this title or of any quarantine or regulation promulgated by the Secretary hereunder, or who obstructs or may attempt to obstruct the implementation of §§ 613—613n of this title, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred [dollars] ($100) and not greater than five hundred dollars ($500) or by imprisonment in jail for a term of not less than one (1) month and not greater than (6) months, or both penalties at the discretion of the court.

Aside and independent from the criminal penalties stated above, any natural or juridical person who violates any provisions of §§ 613—613n of this title shall be subject to administrative penalties, at the discretion of the Secretary, pursuant to the following provisions:

(a) For the first infraction, there shall be imposed an administrative fine of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000) and not greater than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).

(b) For the second infraction, there shall be imposed an administrative fine of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) and not greater than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).

(c) For the third infraction, there shall be imposed an administrative fine of not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and not greater than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000); Provided, That any natural or juridical person who violates the provisions of §§ 613—613n of this title for a third time shall be subject to the revocation of any right, license, permit, privilege or concession of any kind granted pursuant to the provisions of §§ 613—613n of this title and shall be declared ineligible for the exercise of any of the activities contemplated in §§ 613—613n of this title or any regulation promulgated thereunder. The Secretary shall establish, through regulations, a registry of natural or juridical persons to whom said rights and privileges have been revoked and see that these persons are kept in their ineligibility status pursuant to the stated above.

(d) Any person who has been declared ineligible to engage in any of the activities contemplated in §§ 613—613n of this title or any regulation promulgated thereunder, who violates any provision of §§ 613—613n of this title, shall be subject to an administrative fine of not less than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) and not greater than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for each violation incurred subsequently, without prejudice to the criminal penalties stated before.

History —June 5, 1973, No. 93, p. 397, § 15; June 22, 1975, No. 51, p. 117, § 2; Feb. 15, 2002, No. 35, § 2.