P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 818

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§ 818. Relation to other laws

(a) Pursuant to the conditions and limitation established in this chapter and in the regulations promulgated by the Secretary for its implementation, those natural and juridical persons duly authorized by the Secretary shall be the only persons and entities that may hold Additional Lottery games, maintain a site, as well as acquire, possess, use, maintain and operate any apparatus, machine, device, printed material or ticket in relation to the additional games herein authorized, without being subject to the provisions of §§ 1247 et seq. of Title 33.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 82 of this title, the acquisition, leasing, transportation, introduction, possession, use and maintenance of the machines or mechanized or computerized equipment that shall be used in the Additional Lottery, as well as their spare parts and accessories, shall be exempted from the corresponding prohibitions, solely when they are introduced to be operated exclusively in the places authorized by the Director, through the corresponding license as established in this chapter, and pursuant to the regulations promulgated by the Secretary to such effects.

(c) Nothing that is provided herein shall be construed as repealing, altering or modifying the provisions of §§ 206 et seq. of Title 23, which establishes the public policy on school zones, for which reason, the provisions of the regulations approved by the Puerto Rico Planning Board to implement said §§ 206 et seq. shall be complied with, concerning the location of the places for the sale of the Additional Lottery tickets.

(d) None of what is provided by this chapter shall be construed to revoke, alter or modify the provisions of §§ 5051 et seq of Title 21 or §§ 9068 et seq. of Title 13.

History —May 24, 1989, No. 10, p. 44, § 16, renumbered as § 19 and amended on Aug. 17, 1989, No. 75, p. 326, § 14; Sept. 15, 2004, No. 320, § 5.