P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 808

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§ 808. Purveyors

Those purveyors of goods and services directly related with the design, implementation and operation of the lottery game authorized by this chapter shall meet the requirements on financial accountability and financial capacity, integrity, moral and economic solvency, established by regulations.

No contract shall be granted to a purveyor who has been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor that entails moral turpitude by a court of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or the United States of America or a foreign country, or of a violation of the Controlled Substances Act, §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 24, the Games of Chance Act, §§ 71 et seq. of this title, the Bolita Act, §§ 1247 et seq. of Title 33 or the Puerto Rico Horse Racing Industry and Sport Act, §§ 198 et seq. of this title.

Any person who submits a proposal, offer or bid, shall report on the following at the time he/she submits it:

(1) Name and address of the purveyor, and in the case of juridical persons, the name of the officers, directors or partners. If the purveyor subcontracts a substantial part of his work, he shall reveal the above information regarding the subcontractor.

(2) The states of the United States of America and other jurisdictions where the purveyor does business and the nature of said business, for each state or jurisdiction.

(3) The states of the United States of America and other jurisdictions in which the purveyor has contracts to furnish goods or services related to lotteries and other games of chance, and the nature of the goods and services he furnishes to each state or jurisdiction.

(4) The states of the United States of America and other jurisdictions in which the purveyor has applied for a gaming license of any type, and it has been issued, has been renewed, has been denied, or has been revoked. Likewise, if on the date of submitting the proposal, an application or renewal of a gaming license has been pending for six (6) months or more, all facts and circumstances that have prevented the issuing of said license, shall be informed.

(5) The details connected with any conviction or trial in a court in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or in the United States of America or in a foreign country for any type of offense which is not a traffic violation.

(6) The details on any bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganization, as well as any pending suit or service of sentence.

(7) He/she shall also provide any additional information that the Secretary shall determine is appropriate pursuant to the type or class of contract that is to be negotiated.

History —May 24, 1989, No. 10, p. 44, § 8, renumbered as § 9 and amended on Aug. 17, 1989, No. 75, p. 326, § 6.