The Administrative Council shall render an annual report on all its activities to the Governor and the Legislature not later than sixty (60) days after the end of each fiscal year, which shall include the following:
(a) The total funds available during the year to which the report corresponds, with a listing of their source of origin, including those arising from donations received and interest accrued on account of investment of the monies of the Fund that is established by this chapter.
(b) The assistance, incentives, donation, loan securities and others, authorized and granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter during the corresponding report year with a statement of the natural persons, nonprofit corporations, partnerships, associations or groups to which they have been granted.
(c) The investment of funds carried out during the corresponding report year.
(d) The balance of the monies available in the Fund at the expiration of the calendar year to which the report corresponds.
History —July 20, 1988, No. 115, p. 482, § 12; May 7, 2004, No. 109, § 2.