In addition to the functions and powers conferred in other provisions of this chapter and those inherent to his office, the Administrator shall have the following:
(a) Establish, organize, direct and supervise the administrative structure of the Administration.
(b) Appoint the needed personnel to perform the functions of the Administration pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The Administrator shall be an Individual Administrator under the provisions of Act No. 5 of October 14, 1975, known as the “Puerto Rico Public Service Personnel Act”.
(c) Plan, direct, and supervise all individual components of the Administration in the exercise of the functions conferred on him/her.
(d) Devise and adopt an organizational scheme through the design of programs, plans, activities, norms or by any other means, whose point of reference is to propitiate the integral development of the participants.
(e) Assign administrative tasks based on criteria that will produce an integrated and efficient operation, and will allow the most effective use of the individual components of the Administration, taking into consideration the following factors, among others:
(1) Rational assignment and distribution of functions;
(2) distribution of power in tune with responsibilities;
(3) proper selection of the individual components of the Administration, and
(4) the Administration’s needs.
(f) Perform studies that will uncover dysfunctional elements of the Administration and take every measure to ensure compliance of the purposes of this chapter.
(g) Establish together with the other agencies of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the conditions needed to achieve the greatest opportunities for joint efforts addressed to the integral coordination and planning of the respective programs, in benefit of the participants.
(h) Appoint commissions, committees, councils, associations, or bodies of any other nature to direct the widest participation of the citizenry in the Administration.
(i) Render periodic reports to the Governor on the Administration’s activities, achievements, and projects, and also advise him/her regarding the public policy and administrative actions that must be adopted to achieve the purposes of this chapter. He/she shall also advise the government agencies that request it on those projects, functions and activities related to the Administration’s purposes.
(j) Prepare and administer the Administration’s operating expense budget and keep a register and complete and detailed accounting of all expenses, disbursements and income, according to the applicable laws, and regulations of the Department of the Treasury.
(k) Subject to applicable laws and regulations, acquire, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of the necessary property to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
(l) Contract for, purchase, or otherwise provide the Administration with all the material, supplies, equipment, parts or services deemed necessary for the operation of the Administration, subject to the regulations adopted to such purposes, without being subject to the provisions §§ 931 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “General Services Administration Act”. The regulations shall contain adequate norms to ensure the use of the funds in the way that is most compatible with the public interest and, among other measure[s] to such ends, it shall include the requirement of public bidding for the purchase or other acquisition of materials, supplies, equipment, parts or services that exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), and construction or public improvements contracts that exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).
The regulations shall contain the means to govern the bidding procedures and other pertinent administrative processes in all their essential phases which shall be alike, to the extent it is feasible, to those established or to be established for the other executive bodies of the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(m) To promote, sponsor and participate in conferences, seminars, study groups, research centers and any type of educational or other activities, provided they are compatible with the purposes of this chapter, and to establish information exchange systems with:
(1) Other components of programs addressed to the welfare of our youth in general.
(2) Government bodies.
(3) Foundations, educational, civil, professional, industrial, labor, cooperative or any other type of institutions, to encourage the proper focus of the problems of participants, in particular, and to the economic and social problems of the country.
(n) To represent the Administration in those acts or activities that require it.
(o) To provide for the functioning of the Administration’s diverse facilities and activities in order to achieve the greatest degree of operational self-sufficiency for the optimum use of all the individual components of the Administration and the other available resources.
(p) To enter into covenants, agreements or contracts that may be necessary or convenient to fulfill the objectives of the Administration with the federal and state government bodies, with any agency and with individuals, and profitable and nonprofitable particular and/or private institutions, among others.
(q) To promote and stimulate community action in urban as well as rural zones to solve the problems that beset the community in general and participants specifically.
(r) To adopt an official seal for the Administration of which the courts shall take judicial notice.
(s) To render an annual report to the Governor and to the Legislature on the activities, projects, achievements, expenses and overall situation of the Administration as well as any periodic reports required.
(t) Authorize the Administrator to enter financing contracts with other federal and state agencies, public corporations or with private companies, with the authorization of the Office of the Management and Budget, when there are no sufficient funds to finance the operation of the diverse study programs; or for the acquisition of equipment, services and others for the best operation of the Administration.
History —June 23, 1985, No. 1, p. 595, § 7; Aug. 6, 1999, No. 224, § 10.