P.R. Laws tit. 18, § 1160b

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 1160b. Powers

The Performing Arts Corporation shall be empowered and may exercise the following general powers, in addition to those conferred by other provisions of this §§ 1160—1160g of this title:

(a) To subsist in perpetuity, to sue and be sued as a juridical person.

(b) To hold and use a corporate seal which it may alter at will and of which judicial notice shall be taken.

(c) To acquire rights and properties, both personal and real, by donation, legacy, purchase or other legal manner, and to hold and dispose of them according to law in the manner established in its own bylaws for as long as it is necessary and advisable to fulfill its corporate goals, and in the best interests of the Puerto Rico Musical Arts and Stagecraft Corporation.

(d) To enter into actions, agreements and contracts of all kinds to carry out and comply with the aims and purposes of §§ 1160—1160g of this title.

(e) To establish the standards and regulations needed for its internal operation and functioning and to govern the programs and activities of the Puerto Rico Musical Arts and Stagecraft Corporation.

(f) To have full control of its properties and activities, including its funds. To adopt its own accounting system for the adequate control and recording of all its operations. The Corporation shall keep its accounts in such a way that each activity may be segregated. The Controller of Puerto Rico or his representative shall examine the accounts and books of the Puerto Rico Musical Arts and Stagecraft Corporation from time to time.

(g) To accept donations or loans and to enter into contracts, agreements and other transactions with federal agencies and with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, its agencies, instrumentalities and municipalities, and to invest the proceeds of any such donations or loans for any legal corporate purpose.

(h) To receive funds from public and private sources and to spend such funds for purposes consistent with the objectives of the Puerto Rico Musical Arts and Stagecraft Corporation.

(i) To perform all acts necessary or advisable to carry out the powers granted to it by §§ 1160—1160g of this title or any other act.

(j) To administer its own personnel system, to appoint all its officials, agents and employees who shall be public employees entitled to become members of the Puerto Rico Commonwealth Employees Association and to avail themselves of the benefits of the Retirement System of the Government of Puerto Rico, as well as to vest them with the powers, to assign to them the duties deemed pertinent and to [set] their remuneration. The Musical Arts and Stagecraft Corporation shall be an agency excluded from the provisions of Act No. 5 of October 14, 1975, known as the “Puerto Rico Public Service Personnel Act” and of the personnel regulations adopted thereunder. The Corporation shall give faithful compliance to the provisions of Section 10.6 of said act.

(k) To set forth the necessary norms and regulations to guarantee the participation and contracting of Puerto Rican artists in performance art activities for which foreign artists or musical groups have been contracted. Likewise, to value our typical music, which constitutes a significant part of our cultural array.

With the prior written authorization of the Central Personnel Administration Office and the Director of the Budget and Management Office, and with the consent of the nominating authority from where his regular services are rendered, the Musical Arts and Stagecraft Corporation may contract the services of any of the officials and employees of the departments, agencies, public corporations, subsidiaries thereof and subdivisions to render services outside of their regular working hours and pay them the proper remuneration for the additional services rendered, without being subject to the provisions of § 577 of Title 3 and the provisions of any other law. The Board of Directors shall adopt a personnel system, compensation and classification plans, and the rules and regulations deemed necessary to comply with said purposes. Upon requesting said authorization, the Executive Director shall justify the need to contract said personnel.

History —May 12, 1980, No. 42, p. 104, § 3; July 31, 1985, No. 6, p. 802, § 4; Jan. 4, 2003, No. 46, § 1.