The following terms shall have the following meanings as used or referred to in this chapter, unless the context shall otherwise clearly indicate:
(a) University. — Shall mean the University of Puerto Rico.
(b) Council. — Shall mean the Puerto Rico Higher Education Council or any other board or body in which the government of the University of Puerto Rico shall be vested by law.
(c) Cost. — As applied to a project shall include the cost of acquisition or construction, the cost of all labor, materials and equipment, the cost of all lands, property, rights and easements acquired, financing charges, interest prior to and during construction and, if deemed advisable by the Council, for one year after completion of construction, cost of plans and specifications, surveys and estimates of cost and of revenues, cost of engineering and legal services, and all other expenses necessary or incident to such acquisition or construction, administrative expense, and such other expenses, including reasonable provision for initial operating expenses, as may be necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized. Any obligation or expense incurred by the University or the Council prior to the issuance of bonds under the provisions of this chapter in connection with any of the foregoing items of cost may be regarded as a part of such cost.
(d) Project. — Shall mean and shall include any one or more buildings, structures and facilities of a capital nature, necessary or advisable to the efficient functioning of the University as an institution of higher learning, including, but not limited to, administration buildings, classrooms and lecture halls, laboratories, libraries, dormitories, houses and other housing facilities, dining rooms and their facilities, medical service buildings, gymnasiums, auditoriums or theaters, warehouses, stadiums, student-center buildings, bookstores, recreational facilities, and any enlargements or improvements thereof, or additions thereto, including parking facilities and parking buildings, gardens, and any other necessary devises on any land or campus of the University of Puerto Rico, together with the necessary land and equipment.
(e) Existing facilities. — Shall mean any buildings, structures and facilities included within the definition of the word “project” on any campus of the University existing prior to the issuance of any bonds hereunder.
History —June 18, 1958, No. 50, p. 88, § 1; Jan. 20, 1966, No. 3, p. 106, § 1.