(a) The Unit shall carry out inspections and investigations to detect violations of the safety laws or regulations within the public schools and areas surrounding the schools up to a distance of one hundred (100) meters.
(b) The Unit shall carry out inspections of the construction and maintenance of septic tanks, treatment plants, grease traps, or any type of interceptor or structures that are regulated or ruled by an agency, to adjust them to the laws and regulations established by said agency. It shall also investigate the existence of any situation or practice that entails the possibility that gas emanation may be produced.
(c) In the case of external sources of the emissions that are produced outside the school area, the Unit shall be empowered to visit, in case it is necessary, the industries, businesses, and establishments, and require them to produce the pertinent information about their manufacturing, packaging, cleaning, management and disposal of chemicals, etc.
(d) If, following an inspection or investigation, the Unit determines that the necessary measures have not been taken for the prevention of the emanation of gases and noxious odors, or if any provision of law or safety regulation has been violated, the concerned person, business, or industry shall be notified in writing of the nature of the violation, and a reasonable term shall be set to correct the deficiency thus indicated. The order thus issued shall prescribe the practices, means, or methods that the person must adopt to comply with the laws and regulations in effect, and shall also admonish the person that unless he/she takes corrective action or complies with the order within the term stipulated, the Unit shall refer the person to the pertinent agencies for them to proceed to impose the corresponding sanctions for said noncompliance.
(e) The Unit shall perform at least one annual inspection so that the pertinent corrective measures are taken in all those public schools that have a history of emanation of gases and noxious odors, and are a serious risk to the safety of students, employees, and visitors.
History —Jan. 19, 2000, No. 35, § 5, eff. 90 days after Jan 19, 2000.