P.R. Laws tit. 8, § 101

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 101. Commonwealth Industrial School for Boys—Admissions

There shall be admitted to the Commonwealth Industrial School for Boys only such boys, under sixteen (16) years of age, as are committed to it by order of the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico; Provided, That boys may be admitted, with the consent of the Governor of Puerto Rico, on order of the Judge of the District Court of the United States for Puerto Rico, when they are under sixteen (16) years of age, and would have been entitled to admission had their cases been within the jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico; and, Provided, further, That admission may be refused to the said Commonwealth Industrial School for Boys of Puerto Rico by the Secretary of Health of Puerto Rico in case there are not sufficient accommodations or appropriations.

History —Apr. 11, 1917, No. 6, p. 102, § 2.