Any professional and/or official required to provide information on any case of abuse, institutional abuse, neglect, and/or institutional neglect, as well as any protection case worker, may take photographs or have photographs taken of the areas where the child suffered trauma and, if medically indicated, have any necessary radiological or dental exam, laboratory test, or any other medical examination of the child performed or ordered without the consent of the father, mother, or person responsible for the well-being of said child in those cases in which they oppose the performance of the same or are unavailable at the time. Taking photographs of the site where the abuse, institutional abuse, neglect, and/or institutional neglect has occurred is also authorized.
Photographs, radiological or dental exams, laboratory tests, or any other necessary medical examination shall be taken or performed in such a way that the child’s condition is not aggravated or his/her dignity is not violated, and shall be sent to the Department as soon as possible. The Department shall defray the initial cost of evaluation and care of the allegedly abused or abandoned child, and may require the father, mother, or person responsible for the child to reimburse such cost. Moreover, it may require the participation of other agencies, so they may contribute with defraying the cost of necessary care services. This evidence shall be available to initiate criminal proceedings for violations of the provisions of this chapter or other related statutes.
History —Dec. 16, 2011, No. 246, § 22, eff. 90 days after Dec. 16, 2011.