P.R. Laws tit. 8, § 627

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 627. Notification to the parties and law enforcement agencies and of the wellbeing of minors

(a) A copy of every order for protection shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court that issues it. The clerk of the court shall provide a copy thereof by petition of the parties or of any interested person.

(b) Any order issued under this chapter shall be served personally to the respondent, whether through a marshal of the court, a law enforcement officer, any person over eighteen (18) years of age who is not a party to the case, or according to the procedure established in the Rules of Civil Procedure, App. III of Title 32.

(c) The office of the clerk of court shall send copies of the orders issued under this chapter to the police branch in charge of keeping a record of protection orders thus issued. Likewise, the office of the clerk of court shall send a copy of said orders to be entered in the domestic abuse and stalking restraining orders electronic file, in accordance with the procedures established in §§ 671–676 of this title, known as the “Restraining Orders Electronic File Act”. Pursuant to §§ 671–676 of this title, the Police shall include all the information contained in the restraining order, as well as any procedural incidents regarding the notice to the parties and agencies involved.

(d) The Police of Puerto Rico shall provide adequate protection to the party on whose behalf an order for protection is issued.

(e) The Office of the Secretary of the Court shall send to the Child Support Administration of the Department of the Family, copies of the protection orders providing for a minor’s support payment, in conformity with the provisions of subsection (e) of § 621 of this title.

History —Aug. 15, 1989, No. 54, p. 199, § 2.7; May 7, 2003, No. 122, § 1; Dec. 21, 2012, No. 305, § 1.