All purchases and contracts for supplies and services executed by the Administration shall be made without their being subject to §§ 933 et seq. of Title 3. The Administrator shall make all purchases and execute all contracts for supplies and services through bids, except those for personal and professional services. When the estimated cost of the acquisition or the rendering of the service does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), said contract may be executed without a formal auction through a competitive bidding of at least three (3) bids. An auction shall not be necessary when:
(a) An emergency requires the immediate delivery of material, supplies or equipment, or the performance of services; or
(b) replacement parts, accessories, equipment or supplementary services are needed for equipment or services previously furnished or contracted; or
(c) professional, specialized or expert work or services are required, and the Administrator, for a just cause, deems that in the interest of a sound administration the contracts shall be executed without a bid, or
(d) the prices are not subject to competition, because there is only one source of supplies or because they are regulated by law. In such cases, the purchase of said material, supplies or equipment, or the obtaining of said services, may be made in the open market, after quotations from at least three suppliers, in the usual and regular manner in business.
The Administrator shall reserve the right to acquire the formal award in a public auction on the basis of other objective and reasonable considerations other than prices.
History —Dec. 30, 1986, No. 5, p. 887, added as art. IV, § 7D on Aug. 17, 1994, No. 86, § 15; Aug. 12, 1995, No. 202, § 3; Dec. 18, 1997, No. 169, § 7.