The Multi-Sector Council shall be responsible for the effective planning, the identification of financial resources and the coordination between agencies and public and private entities, with the purpose of offering adequate services and to prevent the duplication of services. Furthermore, it shall be responsible for monitoring the effective and timely rendering of the services and for protecting the rights of children, and most particularly, of children in their early childhood, with the purpose of achieving the implementation of this public policy. Specifically, the Council shall have the following functions:
(a) Conducting studies on demand needs, the availability and the quality of early childhood services by area of services, so that the working priorities of the Council may be identified.
(b) Identifying and summarizing for reference (with the assistance of the Office of the Council and other related dependencies) the results of the latest early childhood research as published locally, internationally and in the United States, the service systems that address the issues and needs of these children and the long-term benefits from an economic perspective, and the new trends in early childhood programs.
(c) Developing a strategic plan for the implementation of all public policies on early childhood. Universal factors in service systems, such as the availability, the equal access, the quality, co-responsibility and integration of services or inter-agency/inter-sector coordination and financing, provide a good framework for the evaluation of the existing service system and the planning for the system that we strive for, in each working area set forth in the measure.
(d) Preparing an annual action plan on the endeavors of the Council, based on the strategic plan previously developed.
(e) Revising and contributing to the goals and objectives relative to childhood services in the annual plans of each agency belonging to the Council and responsible for implementing this chapter, in order to ensure its conformance with the strategic plan, including the results expected.
(f) Contributing to the design, development and implementation of initiatives and programs directed to the implementation of the public policy on early childhood.
(g) Identifying financing strategies and methods for the development of the public policy on early childhood.
(h) Identifying strategies that could increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the childhood service system, and most particularly, for early childhood services in Puerto Rico.
(i) Designing, developing and implementing inter-agency and inter-sector coordination strategies that guarantee an efficient and effective service system to address the needs of children, and most particularly, of children in their early childhood and their families.
(j) Promoting research on early childhood-related issues.
(k) Establishing collaboration agreements and alliances across all sectors so as to reconcile the interests and needs of children and to attract partners in the investment on children.
(l) Identifying and coordinating need, service and service modality areas to address early childhood needs, in order to integrate the efforts of the Central Government, the municipal governments, the private sector, the research centers and those other nonprofit and faith-based entities that address these issues.
(m) Developing and implementing an educational campaign addressed to the general population on early childhood matters and issues.
(n) Disclosing the Public Policy on Early Childhood set forth in this chapter, as well as the programs and initiatives established thereunder, in accord with the means available.
(o) Assuming any additional responsibility or duty as required by the pertinent federal laws in relation to the public policy set forth in this chapter.
(p) Preparing and submitting an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature, as well as to any other entity that so requires, summarizing all activities conducted and the achievements obtained during the year, as well as the challenges to be met. If necessary, said report shall include any report evaluating the programs and services offered by the various agencies, identified in its work plan.
History —June 18, 2008, No. 93, § 8.