P.R. Laws tit. 8, § 346j

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 346j. Reports—Professionals and officials under obligation to report

Professionals or public officials, public or private and privatized entities that in their professional capacity and in the discharge of their functions learn or suspect that an elderly person is, has been, or is at risk of being a victim of abuse, institutional abuse, abuse by negligence and/or abuse by institutional negligence, are hereby placed under the obligation to report those cases in which there is or there is the suspicion that there is a situation of abuse, institutional abuse, abuse by negligence and/or abuse by institutional negligence against an elderly person; as well as health, education, social work and law enforcement professionals, and persons engaged in directing or working in care institutions or establishments that offer care services during a twenty-four (24)-hour day or part thereof. They shall report such a fact through the “Golden Hotline” and the Puerto Rico Police and/or the Office of Elderly Affairs, attached to the Office of the Governor.

History —July 12, 1986, No. 121, p. 389, added as § 8 on Dec. 17, 2003, No. 305, § 4.