Browse as ListSearch Within- 311.250 - Itinerant medical company to obtain license -- Fee
- 311.260 - Itinerant doctors not to register or practice
- 311.270 - Repealed, 1952
- 311.271 - Preliminary educational requirements for practitioners of healing arts
- 311.275 - Request to expunge minor violations from permanent record -- Administrative regulations
- 311.280 - Repealed, 1952
- 311.281 - Testing of organs, skin, or other human tissue for HIV and other communicable diseases, with informed consent
- 311.282 - Disclosure or failure to disclose confidential information under specified circumstances not to create civil or criminal liability
- 311.285 - Repealed, 1996
- 311.290 - Repealed, 1952
- 311.300 - Professor of medical college may procure dead bodies
- 311.310 - Bond filed with county clerk -- Fee
- 311.320 - Use of bodies
- 311.330 - Relatives or friends of deceased to be notified -- Time within which body may not be used
- 311.340 - Burial after dissection
- 311.350 - College to keep record of bodies
- 311.352 - Repealed, 1970
- 311.354 - Repealed, 1970
- 311.356 - Repealed, 1970
- 311.360 - Repealed, 1956
- 311.370 - Repealed, 1956
- 311.375 - Conditions governing use of title "Doctor" or "Dr." -- Penalty
- 311.376 - Construction of KRS 311.375
- 311.377 - Waiver of claim for damages by applicant for or grantee of staff privileges -- Records confidential -- Exceptions -- Federal immunity provisions
- 311.378 - Warning of dangers of drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy to be posted -- Penalty
- 311.379 - In-service training for persons licensed or certified by board on child sexual abuse