Browse as ListSearch Within- 161.220 - Definitions for KRS 161.220 to 161.716 and 161.990
- 161.230 - Retirement system -- Purpose -- Name
- 161.240 - Repealed, 1964
- 161.250 - Board of trustees to control retirement -- Membership -- Appeals -- Trustee education program -- Public disclosure of best practices model -- Administrative regulations for authorized benefit improvements
- 161.260 - Election of members of board of trustees
- 161.270 - Vacancies, how filled
- 161.280 - Oath of board members
- 161.290 - Meetings, compensation, and expenses of board members
- 161.300 - Quorum
- 161.310 - Administrative regulations -- Rules, regulations, and policies of participating employers to conform to chapter -- Retirement incentives
- 161.320 - Record of proceedings -- Annual report
- 161.330 - Cost of administration, how paid -- Office space
- 161.340 - Officers of board -- Personnel of system -- Contracting for services and commodities -- Bonds of officers and employees -- Leave balances
- 161.350 - Repealed, 1946
- 161.360 - Repealed, 1956
- 161.370 - Treasurer, auditor, and legal adviser of board -- Annual audit of Teachers' Retirement System
- 161.380 - Duties of treasurer -- Custodian of securities
- 161.390 - Actuarial data to be kept
- 161.400 - Duties of actuary -- Actuarial investigations, valuations, and analyses
- 161.410 - Repealed, 1964
- 161.420 - Funds of retirement system
- 161.430 - Investment of funds -- Investment procurement policy
- 161.440 - Assignment of interest to funds
- 161.450 - Repealed, 1996
- 161.460 - Conflict of interest
- 161.470 - Membership -- Forfeiture of service credit -- Termination of membership - - Forfeiture of benefits -- Reinstatement -- Payment of accumulated contributions
- 161.480 - Statement of member -- Designation of beneficiaries
- 161.490 - Investigation of statement
- 161.500 - Service credit
- 161.505 - Repealed, 1976
- 161.507 - Prior service credit for veterans -- Credit for military service and uniformed service by active contributing member
- 161.510 - Repealed, 2000
- 161.515 - Out-of-state service credit -- Contribution -- Kentucky Peace Corps and federal Peace Corps service credit -- Factor for members employed by universities and colleges -- Factor for other members
- 161.516 - Repealed, 1962
- 161.520 - Payment of accumulated contribution on death
- 161.522 - Survivor of member retired for disability may elect annuity
- 161.525 - Death of member eligible to retire -- Options of beneficiary -- Monthly minimum allowance to surviving spouse
- 161.530 - Restoration of forfeited account -- Exception
- 161.540 - Members' contributions -- Picked-up contributions
- 161.545 - Contributions and service credit for substitute service, part-time service, or leave of absence -- Contributions not to be picked up -- Purchases of service credit by individuals becoming members on or after July 1, 2008, for leaves of absence for health, child-rearing, and educational improvement reasons
- 161.546 - Repealed, 1996
- 161.5461 - Purchase of service credit with rolled-over or transferred retirement funds
- 161.5465 - Member with twenty years' service credit may purchase five years' service credit -- Exception
- 161.547 - Member having service as legislator may purchase 4 years' credit in the retirement system
- 161.548 - Purchase of service credit for service in a regional community program for mental health and for individuals with an intellectual disability
- 161.549 - Purchase of service credit for service at a Federal Head Start agency
- 161.550 - State's contribution to system
- 161.553 - Funding of past statutory benefit improvements -- Schedules for appropriations -- Cost-of-living increases -- Feasibility study of employer contribution rate stabilization
- 161.555 - Employer contributions for members employed in positions established under federal educational acts
- 161.556 - Employer contributions for members employed by regional educational cooperatives
- 161.560 - Deduction and forwarding of teachers' contributions -- Picked-up employee contributions -- Correction of omitted member contributions
- 161.565 - Reduction and pick-up of contributions by university faculty members
- 161.567 - Authorization for optional retirement plan for designated employees of certain public universities
- 161.568 - Eligibility to participate in optional retirement plan -- Election to change from optional retirement plan to Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System
- 161.569 - Effect of election to participate -- Payment of benefits -- Taxation and attachment of benefits -- Employer contributions
- 161.570 - Repealed, 1964
- 161.580 - Individual accounts to be kept -- Other data -- Summary plan description - - Publication -- Recipients
- 161.585 - Member's account confidential -- Release of certain information from accounts of current or former legislators -- Medical records on file confidential -- Production of records in response to a subpoena or court order
- 161.590 - Service credit at retirement
- 161.595 - Service credit
- 161.597 - Installment payments for purchase of service credit by active contributing members
- 161.600 - Retirement conditions
- 161.603 - Repealed, 2008
- 161.605 - Resumption of employment by retired member -- Continuation of retirement allowance -- Waiver of annuity -- Nonteaching employment
- 161.607 - Employment in position covered by other Kentucky retirement system
- 161.608 - Computation of benefits of member who has an account with another state system
- 161.610 - Repealed, 1964
- 161.611 - Supplemental retirement benefit plan -- Purpose -- Administration -- Eligibility -- Payments
- 161.612 - Membership of individuals providing part-time and substitute services -- Service credit -- Participation in benefits
- 161.614 - Court-ordered back salary and reinstatement
- 161.615 - Limited defined contribution plan -- Purpose -- Administration -- Eligibility -- Payments
- 161.620 - Retirement allowances -- Amount -- Applicability to persons becoming members on or after July 1, 2008
- 161.623 - Use of unused sick-leave days to determine service credit -- Applicability to individuals becoming members on or after July 1, 2008
- 161.624 - Responsibilities of members
- 161.625 - Repealed, 1964
- 161.630 - Benefit options -- Change in benefit option -- Beneficiary redesignation after retirement
- 161.640 - Payment of annuities -- Payroll deductions -- Electronic fund transfer, exception
- 161.643 - Records and annual reports for annuitants employed by school districts or agencies -- Penalty for noncompliance
- 161.650 - Death of retired member -- Payment to beneficiaries -- Effect of divorce decree -- Failure to designate beneficiary
- 161.655 - Life insurance benefit -- Assignment of benefit
- 161.660 - Repealed, 1964
- 161.661 - Disability retirement
- 161.662 - Status of disabled teachers and superintendents
- 161.663 - Disability retirement with less than required years of service
- 161.670 - Repealed, 1964
- 161.675 - Hospital and medical benefits and health insurance coverage for eligible recipients of retirement allowances from Teachers' Retirement System -- Applicability to individuals becoming members on or after July 1, 2008 -- Health insurance supplement payments -- Coverage for spouses, dependents, and disabled children of retirees -- Exemption from premium tax
- 161.677 - Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System insurance trust fund
- 161.680 - Mistake in payment -- Correction of error
- 161.690 - Falsifying record prohibited
- 161.700 - Funds exempt from taxation and process -- Taxability after December 31, 1997 -- Benefits not considered marital property
- 161.705 - Repealed, 1992
- 161.710 - Local system merged with state system
- 161.712 - Repealed, 1996
- 161.714 - Inviolable contract -- Exception
- 161.715 - Repealed, 1976
- 161.716 - Federal laws take precedence over Kentucky statutes pertaining to Teachers' Retirement System