- Section 56.860 - Purpose of KRS 56.860 to 56.869
- Section 56.8605 - Definitions for KRS 56.860 to 56.869
- Section 56.861 - Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission - Membership - Status as public corporation - Selection of certain advisors - Issuance of notes
- Section 56.862 - Office of Financial Management - Staffing function for commission
- Section 56.863 - Powers and duties of the commission
- Section 56.864 - Form of financing for tax and revenue anticipation notes, project notes, and funding notes
- Section 56.865 - Designation of alternates by commission members - Scope of authority - Joint certificate concerning designation
- Section 56.866 - Tax and revenue anticipation notes - Purpose - Sale and issuance - Report to Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee
- Section 56.867 - Project notes - Sale and issuance - Purposes - Approval - Status of notes with respect to the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions
- Section 56.868 - Funding notes - Purposes - Sale and issuance - Approval - Status of notes with respect to the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions
- Section 56.869 - Tax exemptions for notes issued by the commission - Negotiability of notes