Current through 2024 Ky. Acts ch.225
Section 40.991 - Penalties for violation of laws relating to bonus paid veterans defined in KRS 40.400(1) Any person who charges or collects or attempts to charge or collect, either directly or indirectly, any fee or other compensation for assisting in any manner a person seeking to obtain payment of a bonus under KRS 40.410 to 40.560 shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor; but this provision is not intended to prohibit: (a) Collection by public officers of statutory fees for providing authenticated copies of public records; or(b) The giving of assistance or advice to claimants by any bona fide veterans' organization, civic organization, institution, public or private body, or person, through one (1) or more persons compensated from the funds of such organization, institution, or public or private body or person, if no fee or charge therefor is collected from the asserted claimant.(2) Whoever makes any false or fraudulent statement of a material fact in any application, affidavit, certificate, or document submitted or tendered for the purpose of obtaining payment of a bonus under KRS 40.410 to 40.560, shall be guilty of a Class D felony.(3) Any person conspiring to obtain payment of a fraudulent claim for a bonus under KRS 40.410 to 40.560, or conspiring to defraud one who receives payment or has a bona fide claim for payment of a bonus, shall be guilty of a Class D felony.(4) Any person convicted of any offense denounced in this section shall forfeit his right, if any, to receive any payment authorized by KRS 40.410 to 40.560.Effective:7/14/1992
Amended 1992 Ky. Acts ch. 463, sec. 5,7/14/1992. -- Created 1988 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 6, secs. 17-20.