- Section 350.005 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.010 - Definitions for chapter
- Section 350.020 - Declaration of legislative policy and finding of fact
- Section 350.024 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.025 - Provisions inconsistent with federal law unenforceable
- Section 350.026 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.028 - Powers of cabinet
- Section 350.0281 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.0285 - Notification to Transportation Cabinet of permits for mine openings and of mine closings under authority of cabinet
- Section 350.029 - Regulations to implement Interstate Mining Compact - Adoption - Limitations
- Section 350.030 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.0301 - Petition challenging determination of cabinet - Conduct of hearings - Administrative regulations - Secretary may designate deputy to sign final orders
- Section 350.0305 - Appeal of cabinet's order
- Section 350.032 - Enforcement of subpoenas - Judicial review of final orders - Forfeiture of performance bond - Temporary relief pending final determination
- Section 350.035 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.040 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.045 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.050 - Powers of cabinet
- Section 350.052 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.053 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.054 - Illegal mining and conveyance reclamation fund - Purpose - Control
- Section 350.055 - Publication of notice of intention to mine by permit applicant - Notification of various local government bodies by cabinet
- Section 350.057 - Coal exploration operations
- Section 350.060 - Permit requirement - Contents of application - Fee - Bond - Administrative regulations - Successive renewal - Auger mining of previously mined area - Exempt operations
- Section 350.062 - Data included in permit application - Contemporaneous reclamation - Subsoil augmentation - Cabinet to compile hydrologic data - Abandoned land projects classified as government financed construction
- Section 350.063 - Duty of applicant to meet and confer with well operator if permit will disturb access roads
- Section 350.064 - Reclamation bond to be filed by applicant
- Section 350.066 - Bond posting not required until permit application approved
- Section 350.068 - Cancellation of surety
- Section 350.069 - Stringency of regulations
- Section 350.070 - Permit revisions
- Section 350.075 - Special permits for remining of previously affected areas - Administrative regulations
- Section 350.080 - Procedure for obtaining approval of other mining operations - Deferral of reclamation
- Section 350.085 - Denial of permits and operations - Deletion of land areas
- Section 350.090 - Method of operation, grading, backfilling, and reclamation plans - Funding from reclamation development fund - Waste materials in permit area only - Exclusions
- Section 350.093 - Time and distance limits on reclamation efforts - Deferments - Drift or other underground mining - Variances - Release of bond
- Section 350.095 - Responsibility for successful revegetation - Cabinet administrative regulations
- Section 350.097 - Protection and location of pollinator habitats on coal mine reclamation sites
- Section 350.100 - Time for commencement and completion of reclamation - Deferred planting
- Section 350.105 - Easement of necessity to conduct reclamation operations
- Section 350.110 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.113 - Planting report
- Section 350.117 - Ownership of trees, shrubs, and plants
- Section 350.120 - Report on expiration of permit - Contents
- Section 350.130 - Notice of noncompliance - Revocation of permit - Bond forfeiture - Ineligibility for future permits - Notice or order effective upon delivery
- Section 350.131 - Use of forfeited reclamation bond funds - Contract to reclaim overlapped disturbed area for which bond has been forfeited and collected
- Section 350.133 - Mountaintop removal
- Section 350.135 - Requirements for transfer of surface coal mining permit - Release of bond - Regulations - Approval by cabinet
- Section 350.139 - Deposit of funds to State Treasury - Exceptions - Amount to be transferred to fiscal courts - Remainder for Division of Mine Permits
- Section 350.140 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.141 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.143 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.145 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.150 - Reclamation work by cabinet - Procedure - Acceptance of federal and other funds - Access to land
- Section 350.151 - Permanent program administrative regulations for mining and reclamation - Bond
- Section 350.152 - Acquisition of land by Commonwealth for reclamation purposes
- Section 350.154 - Restoration and reclamation by cabinet
- Section 350.156 - Transfer of jurisdiction of restored land to state agency or sale to political subdivision - Return of money to revolving fund
- Section 350.158 - Land under bond for restoration not to be acquired
- Section 350.160 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.161 - Acquisition and disposal of land, how governed
- Section 350.163 - Cabinet may accept state and federal funds - Deposit in State Treasury
- Section 350.170 - Construction of chapter
- Section 350.175 - Persons required to comply with requirements of chapter
- Section 350.180 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.185 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.190 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.195 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.200 - Signs to be posted at mining sites
- Section 350.210 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.220 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.230 - Conformance to statutes and regulations required, when - Effective date of regulation
- Section 350.240 - Clay mining regulations
- Section 350.245 - Permit required to conduct mining for vein minerals - Exemptions
- Section 350.250 - Complaints of violation - Mandamus - Civil action by person adversely affected by violation - Intervention by cabinet
- Section 350.255 - Petition for initiation of proceeding for issuance, amendment or repeal of a regulation - Notice - Hearing - Order - Judicial review
- Section 350.260 - [Repealed]
- Section 350.270 - Disposal of coal combustion by-products at surface coal mining operations - Permitting process - Requirements for disposal - Authority for administrative regulations
- Section 350.275 - Legislative findings and declaration on backstowing and reinjection of coal processing and coal underground development waste
- Section 350.280 - Easements of necessity to abate certain dangerous violations and for appraisal purposes when access to property denied - When effective - Appraisal and calculation of damages - Independent appraisal by property owner or legal occupant - Payment of damages - Payment of entry fee for appraisal purposes
- Section 350.285 - [Repealed]
- INTERSTATE COMPACT (§§ 350.300 — 350.320)
- ABANDONED MINE LANDS PROGRAM (§§ 350.550 — 350.597)
- OIL SHALE MINING (§ 350.600)
- LANDS UNSUITABLE (§§ 350.610 — 350.755)
- PENALTIES (§ 350.990)