Kan. Stat. § 76-1904a
The director of the Kansas office of veterans services shall establish rates of charges to be made to members and patients of the Kansas soldiers' home. Such charges shall not exceed an amount equal to the per diem cost of care for the preceding year or the charge made against patients under K.S.A. 59-2006, and amendments thereto, whichever is the smaller. No action shall be commenced by the director of the Kansas office of veterans services against a member or patient or the estate of a member or patient for the recovery of any such charges unless such action is commenced within five years after the date such charges are incurred. Such director may compromise and settle any claim for charges hereunder, and may, upon payment of a valuable consideration by the member or patient or his or her estate, discharge and release such member, patient or estate of any or all past liability incurred hereunder. Whenever the director shall negotiate a compromise agreement to settle any claim due or claim to be due from a member or a patient or his or her estate, no action shall thereafter be brought or claim made for any amounts due for charges incurred prior to the effective date of the agreement entered into, except for the amounts provided for in the agreement. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to extend the period specified in K.S.A. 59-2239, and amendments thereto, for the purposes therein specified.
K.S.A. 76-1904a