Kan. Stat. § 75-52,166

Current through 2024 Session Acts Chapter 111 and 2024 Special Session Acts Chapter 4
Section 75-52,166 - Authorization to convey property in Mitchell county to the city of Beloit
(a) The secretary of the department of administration is hereby authorized and empowered, for and on behalf of the department of corrections, to convey, without consideration, all of the rights, title and interest in the following described real estate, and any improvements thereon, to the city of Beloit, Kansas:

A Tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of Section Four (4), Township Seven (7) South, Range Seven (7) West of the 6th P.M., Mitchell County, Kansas, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Four (4), Township Seven (7), Range Seven (7); thence North along quarter section line a distance of Seven Hundred Fifty-nine (759) feet; thence East at a Ninety degree (90°) angle a distance of Three Hundred Ninety-six (396) feet; thence South at a Ninety degree (90°) angle a distance of Seven Hundred Fifty-nine (759) feet; thence West along South line of Northeast Quarter (NE/4), Section Four (4), Township Seven (7), Range Seven (7), a distance of Three Hundred Ninety-six (396) feet to the point of beginning, containing Six and Thirty-eight Hundredths (6.38) acres more or less, exclusive of Thirty (30) feet along West side for Highway right-of-way.

(b) Conveyance of such rights, title and interest in such real estate and any improvements thereon shall be executed in the name of the department of administration executed by the secretary of administration. The deed for such conveyance shall be by quitclaim deed.
(c) No exchange and conveyance of real estate and any improvements thereon as authorized by this section shall be made by the secretary of administration until the deeds and conveyances have been reviewed and approved by the attorney general.
(d) All costs in any way related to the conveyance shall be paid by the city of Beloit, Kansas. The conveyance of real property authorized by this section shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3043a, and amendments thereto.
(e) In the event the secretary of administration determines that the legal description of the parcel described by this section is incorrect, the secretary of administration may convey the property utilizing the correct legal description, but the deed conveying the property shall be subject to the approval of the attorney general.

K.S.A. 75-52,166

Added by L. 2021, ch. 38,§ 1, eff. 7/1/2021.