Initial application fees: | |
Non-degree granting institution | $2,000 |
Degree granting institution | $3,000 |
Initial evaluation fee (in addition to initial application fees): | |
Non-degree level | $750 |
Associate degree level | $1,000 |
Baccalaureate degree level | $2,000 |
Master's degree level | $3,000 |
Professional or doctoral degree level | $4,000 |
Renewal application fees: | |
Non-degree granting institution | Up to 2% of gross tuition, but not less than $500, nor more than $25,000 |
Degree granting institution | Up to 2% of gross tuition, but not less than $1,000, nor more than $25,000 |
New program submission fees, for each new program: | |
Non-degree program | $250 |
Associate degree program | $500 |
Baccalaureate degree program | $750 |
Master's degree program | $1,000 |
Professional or doctoral degree program | $2,000 |
Branch campus site fees, for each branch campus site: | |
Initial non-degree granting institution | $1,500 |
Initial degree granting institution | $2,500 |
Renewal branch campus site fees, for each branch campus site: | |
Non-degree granting institution | Up to 2% of gross tuition, but not less than $500, nor more than $25,000 |
Degree granting institution | Up to 2% of gross tuition, but not less than $1,000, nor more than $25,000 |
Representative fees: | |
Initial registration | $200 |
Late submission of renewal of application fee | $500 |
Student transcript copy fee | $10 |
Returned check fee | $50 |
Initial application fees: | |
Non-degree granting institution | $4,000 |
Degree granting institution | $5,500 |
Initial evaluation fee (in addition to initial application fees): | |
Non-degree level | $1,500 |
Associate degree level | $2,000 |
Baccalaureate degree level | $3,000 |
Master's degree level | $4,000 |
Professional or doctoral degree level | $5,000 |
Renewal application fees: | |
Non-degree granting institution | Up to 3% of gross tuition, but not less than $1,000, nor more than $25,000 |
Degree granting institution | Up to 3% of gross tuition, but not less than $2,000, nor more than $25,000 |
New program submission fees, for each new program: | |
Non-degree program | $500 |
Associate degree program | $750 |
Baccalaureate degree program | $1,000 |
Master's degree program | $1,500 |
Professional or doctoral degree program | $2,500 |
Branch campus site fees, for each branch campus site: | |
Initial non-degree granting institution | $4,000 |
Initial degree granting institution | $5,500 |
Renewal branch campus site fees, for each branch campus site: | |
Non-degree granting institution | Up to 3% of gross tuition, but not less than $1,000, nor more than $25,000 |
Degree granting institution | Up to 3% of gross tuition, but not less than $2,000, nor more than $25,000 |
Representative fees: | |
Initial registration | $350 |
Late submission of renewal of application fee | $500 |
Student transcript copy fee | $10 |
Returned check fee | $50 |
K.S.A. 74-32,181