Kan. Stat. § 73-451
Whenever the board of county commissioners of any such county finds that the amount authorized to be levied as taxes is either insufficient or that the need for such building or structure has ceased to exist and shall also find that the general welfare of such county would be better served by a different type of memorial building other than the particular character of memorial approved by the voters, then such board may adopt a resolution setting forth such findings and stating the character of the memorial building suitable to the needs of the people of such county and publish such resolution for six (6) days in the official paper of the county, if the same be a daily, and for two (2) consecutive weeks, if the same be a weekly; whereupon said board shall proceed to construct the type of building described in said resolution and to use the proceeds of such tax levies for the payment of same and may use any surplus moneys after the building is completed for the repair, equipment and improvement of same: Provided, If a petition in opposition to same, signed by not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the electors of such county, is filed with the county clerk within thirty (30) days following the last publication of such resolution, then it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to submit the question to the electors of the county at the next general election for their approval or rejection; and if a majority of the electors voting at such election shall vote in favor thereof, said board shall proceed with the construction of such building.
K.S.A. 73-451