Kan. Stat. § 72-1556
The board of education of unified school district No. 284, Chase county, Kansas, is hereby authorized to transfer a tract of land located in the southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of section fifteen (15), township nineteen (19) south, range nine (9) east of the 6th p.m. in Chase county, Kansas, and more particularly described as commencing at the northeast corner of said southeast quarter (SE 1/4), thence south approximately 65 rods to the north line of the Crook farm, thence west 16 rods, thence north approximately 65 rods to the north line of said southeast quarter, thence east 16 rods to the place of beginning, together with the two-story brick building, bus barn and shop building thereon, to Toledo township of Chase county in consideration of $10 and no other consideration, and upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by both parties. The transfer authorized by this act shall be made by quitclaim deed. The transaction authorized by this act shall require approval by majority vote of the members of the board of education and the members of the township board and shall require no other approval. To the extent that the provisions of K.S.A. 72-3216, and amendments thereto, or the provisions of K.S.A. 80-104, and amendments thereto, conflict with this act, this act shall control.
K.S.A. 72-1556
Revisor's Note:
Section transferred from 72-8169a.