Kan. Stat. § NEW-NEW

Current through 2024 Session Acts Chapter 111 and 2024 Special Session Acts Chapter 4
Section NEW-NEW - [Newly enacted section not yet numbered] [Appropriations]


(a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the following: Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) (652-00-1000-0053).............................. $15,207,808

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures (including official hospitality) account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

Center for READing (652-00-1000-0080)................................... $80,000

Provided, That the above agency shall expend moneys in such account to provide a project manager grant to the center for reading at Pittsburg state university to:

(1) Assist in the development and support of a science of reading curricula for the state educational institutions and colleges based on the knowledge and practice standards that have been adopted by the state department of education;
(2) develop and support a recommended dyslexia textbook list for in-class learning for school districts to use;
(3) develop and support a recommended dyslexia resources list for in-class learning for school districts to use;
(4) provide knowledge and support for a train the trainer program and professional development curriculum for school districts to use; and
(5) provide knowledge and support for developing a list of qualified trainers for school districts to hire.

KPERS - school employer contributions - non-USDs (652-00-1000-0100)................... $25,215,128

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the KPERS-school employer contributions - non-USDs account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

KPERS - school employer contributions-USDs (652-00-1000-0110)........................... $506,277,807

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the KPERS-school employer contributions - USDs account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

ACT and workkeys assessments program (652-00-1000-0140)................................................. $2,800,000

Career and technical education transportation state aid (652-00-1000-0190).................................................. $1,482,338

Education commission of the states (652-00-1000-0220)..................................................... $67,700

School safety hotline (652-00-1000-0230).................................. $10,000

School safety and security grants (652-00-1000-0235)........................................ $5,000,000

School district juvenile detention facilities and Flint Hills job corps center grants (652-00-1000-0290).......................................... $5,060,528

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the school district juvenile detention facilities and Flint Hills job corps center grants account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025: Provided further, That expenditures shall be made from the school district juvenile detention facilities and Flint Hills job corps center grants account for grants to school districts in amounts determined pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 72-1173, and amendments thereto.

School food assistance (652-00-1000-0320)........................... $2,510,486

Virtual math education program (652-00-1000-0330)................................................. $2,000,000

Provided, That expenditures from the virtual math education program account shall be used by the above agency for the purpose of implementing a virtual math program to be used by school districts: Provided further, That the above agency is hereby authorized to select and implement a virtual math program that shall be customized to Kansas curriculum standards, be evidence-based, not impose any fee or cost upon students, provide tutoring in multiple languages, provide professional development for the implementation of the program and have been implemented in other states during the preceding eight fiscal years: And provided further, That any school district shall be authorized to use such program: And provided further, That the above agency shall recommend that all school districts use such program: And provided further, That all school districts shall track and report to the above agency twice during school year 2024-2025, as determined by the above agency, on the number of attendance centers and students who are and who are not using such program or other virtual math program, the number of teachers participating in the professional development provided by such program or other virtual math program and the effect of any such virtual math program on student academic proficiency: And provided further, That the above agency shall compile such reports and submit a summary report to the house of representatives standing committee on K-12 education budget and the senate standing committee on education during the 2025 regular session of the legislature: And provided further, That such report shall include all available information reported to the above agency for school year 2024-2025.

Mentor teacher (652-00-1000-0440)....................................... $1,300,000

Educable deaf-blind and severely handicapped children's programs aid (652-00-1000-0630)............................. $110,000

Special education services aid (652-00-1000-0700)............. $65,500,000

Provided, That if section 5, and amendments thereto, and the amendments to K.S.A. 72-3422 and 72-5143, and amendments thereto, as provided in this act are not enacted into law, then on July 1, 2024, the $65,500,000 appropriated for the above agency from the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, by this section in the special education services aid account is hereby lapsed.

Governor's teaching excellence scholarships and awards (652-00-1000-0770)................................................ $360,693

State foundation aid (652-00-1000-0820)............................. $29,601,655

Professional development state aid (652-00-1000-0860).................................................. $1,770,000

Computer science education advancement grant (652-00-1000-0920)................................. $1,000,000

Provided, That expenditures shall be made by the above agency from the computer science education advancement grant account for fiscal year 2025 to provide grants to high-quality professional learning providers to develop and implement teacher professional development programs for the computer science courses as established in K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 72-3258, and amendments thereto.

(b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following special revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, all moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law and transfers to other state agencies shall not exceed the following:

School district capital improvement fund.................................... No limit

School district capital outlay state aid fund................................. No limit

Educational technology coordinator fund (652-00-2157).................................................. No limit

Provided, That expenditures shall be made by the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, from the educational technology coordinator fund of the department of education to provide data on the number of school districts served and cost savings for those districts in fiscal year 2025 in order to assess the cost effectiveness of the position of educational technology coordinator.

SparkWheel program fund (652-00-2221).................................. No limit

Inservice education workshop fee fund (652-00-2230)................................................................ No limit

Provided, That expenditures may be made from the inservice education workshop fee fund for operating expenditures, including official hospitality, incurred for inservice workshops and conferences: Provided further, That the state board of education is hereby authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for inservice workshops and conferences: And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to recover all or part of such operating expenditures incurred for inservice workshops and conferences: And provided further, That all fees received for inservice workshops and conferences shall be deposited in the state treasury in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto, and shall be credited to the inservice education workshop fee fund.

Federal indirect cost reimbursement fund (652-00-2312)............................................. No limit

Conversion of materials and equipment fund (652-00-2420).................................................... No limit

School bus safety fund (652-00-2532)........................................ No limit

State safety fund (652-00-2538).................................................. No limit

Provided, That notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 8-272, and amendments thereto, or any other statute, funds shall be distributed during fiscal year 2025 as soon as moneys are available.

Motorcycle safety fund (652-00-2633)........................................ No limit

Teacher and administrator fee fund (652-00-2723)................................................................ No limit

Service clearing fund (652-00-2869)........................................... No limit

ARPA supplemental (652-00-3028)............................................. No limit

Reimbursement for services fund (652-00-3056)........................................................ No limit

ESSA - student support academic enrichment - federal fund (652-00-3113).......................................................... No limit

NAEP fee fund............................................................................. No limit

Educationally deprived children - state operations - federal fund (652-00-3131)......................................................... No limit

Food assistance - federal fund (652-00-3230)......................................................... No limit

Elementary and secondary school aid - federal fund (652-00-3233)......................................................... No limit

Education of handicapped children fund - federal (652-00-3234)...................................................... No limit

Community-based child abuse prevention - federal fund (652-00-3319)......................................................... No limit

TANF children's programs - federal fund (652-00-3323)......................................................... No limit

21st century community learning centers - federal fund (652-00-3519)......................................................... No limit

State assessments - federal fund (652-00-3520)......................................................... No limit

Rural and low-income schools program - federal fund (652-00-3521)......................................................... No limit

Language assistance state grants - federal fund (652-00-3522)......................................................... No limit

State grants for improving teacher quality - federal fund (652-00-3526)......................................................... No limit

State grants for improving teacher quality - federal fund - state operations (652-00-3527).................................................... No limit

Food assistance - school breakfast program - federal fund (652-00-3529)......................................................... No limit

Food assistance - national school lunch program - federal fund (652-00-3530)......................................................... No limit

Food assistance - child and adult care food program - federal fund (652-00-3531)........................................................ No limit

Elementary and secondary school aid - federal fund - local education agency fund (652-00-3532)......................................................... No limit

Education of handicapped children fund - state operations - federal fund (652-00-3534)......................................................... No limit

Education of handicapped children fund - preschool - federal fund (652-00-3535)......................................................... No limit

Education of handicapped children fund - preschool state operations - federal (652-00-3536)............................................. No limit

Elementary and secondary school aid - federal fund - migrant education fund (652-00-3537)..................................................... No limit

Elementary and secondary school aid - federal fund - migrant education - state operations (652-00-3538).................................................... No limit

Vocational education title II - federal fund (652-00-3539)......................................................... No limit

Vocational education title II - federal fund - state operations (652-00-3540).................................................... No limit

Educational research grants and projects fund (652-00-3592)........................................................ No limit

ARPA agency state fiscal recovery fund (652-00-3756)....................................................... No limit

Provided, That, notwithstanding any memorandum of agreement between the office of recovery and the above agency concerning the use of state fiscal recovery fund moneys allocated to the above agency for the Kansas connect and learn initiative, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, expenditures shall be made by the above agency from the ARPA agency state fiscal recovery fund account in the amount of $2,500,000 for payments to school districts for the provision of special education and related services in amounts determined pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 72-3422, and amendments thereto.

ARPA capital projects fund (652-00-3761)................................. No limit

Local school district contribution program checkoff fund (652-00-7005)....................................................... No limit

Provided, That notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 79-3221n, and amendments thereto, or any other statute, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, any moneys in such fund where a taxpayer fails to designate a unified school district on such taxpayer's individual income tax return may be expended by the above agency to distribute to unified school districts. Governor's teaching excellence scholarships program repayment fund (652-00-7221).................................................... No limit

Provided, That all expenditures from the governor's teaching excellence scholarships program repayment fund shall be made in accordance with K.S.A. 72-2166, and amendments thereto: Provided further, That each such grant shall be required to be matched on a $1-for-$1 basis from nonstate sources: And provided further, That award of each such grant shall be conditioned upon the recipient entering into an agreement requiring the grant to be repaid if the recipient fails to complete the course of training under the national board for professional teaching standards certification program: And provided further, That all moneys received by the department of education for repayment of grants made under the governor's teaching excellence scholarships program shall be deposited in the state treasury in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto, and shall be credited to the governor's teaching excellence scholarships program repayment fund. Private donations, gifts, grants and bequests fund (652-00-7307)....................................................... No limit

Family and children investment fund (652-00-7375)................................................... No limit

(c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the following: Children's cabinet accountability fund (652-00-2000-2402)................................... $375,000

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the children's cabinet accountability fund account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

CIF grants (652-00-2000-2408)............................................ $23,720,493

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the CIF grants account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

Parent education program (652-00-2000-2510)...................... $9,437,635

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the parent education program account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025: Provided further, That expenditures from the parent education program account for each such grant shall be matched by the school district in an amount that is equal to not less than 50% of the grant.

Pre-K pilot (652-00-2000-2535)............................................. $4,200,000

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the pre-K pilot account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

Early childhood infrastructure (652-00-2000-2555)............... $1,408,512

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the early childhood infrastructure account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

Imagination library (652-00-2000-2560)................................ $1,500,000

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the imagination library account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025: Provided further, That the children's cabinet shall operate the nonprofit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1986, according to the corporation's articles of incorporation, to receive gifts, donations, grants and other moneys and engage in fundraising projects for the benefit of the Dolly Parton's imagination library book gifting program to develop, implement, promote and sustain reading by the children of Kansas. Children's cabinet public-private partnership pilot program........................................................ $5,000,000

Provided, That all expenditures from the children's cabinet public-private partnership pilot program account shall be provided to a community foundation-led project that funds operational support to childcare providers in rural and frontier communities and can serve as a regional model for addressing childcare supply challenges: Provided further, That all such expenditures from such account shall require a match of private moneys on the basis of $1 state moneys for $1 private moneys: And provided further, That it is the intent of the legislature that the appropriation to the children's cabinet public-private partnership pilot program account made by this act is intended to be a one-time appropriation and that no moneys shall be appropriated to such account for fiscal year 2026.

(d) On July 1, 2024, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 8-1,148 or 38-1808, and amendments thereto, or any other statute, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $50,000 from the family and children trust account of the family and children investment fund (652-00-7375-7900) of the department of education to the SparkWheel program fund (652-00-2221-2400) of the department of education.
(e) On March 30, 2025, and June 30, 2025, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 8-267 or 8-272, and amendments thereto, or any other statute, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $550,000 from the state safety fund (652-00-2538-2030) to the state general fund: Provided, That the transfer of such amount shall be in addition to any other transfer from the state safety fund to the state general fund as prescribed by law: Provided further, That the amount transferred from the state safety fund to the state general fund pursuant to this subsection is to reimburse the state general fund for accounting, auditing, budgeting, legal, payroll, personnel and purchasing services and any other governmental services that are performed on behalf of the department of education by other state agencies that receive appropriations from the state general fund to provide such services.
(f) On July 1, 2024, and quarterly thereafter, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $81,250 from the state highway fund (276-00-4100-4100) of the department of transportation to the school bus safety fund (652-00-2532-2300) of the department of education.
(g) On July 1, 2024, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount certified by the commissioner of education from the motorcycle safety fund (652-00-2633-2050) of the department of education to the motorcycle safety fund (561-00-2366-2360) of the state board of regents: Provided, That the amount to be transferred shall be determined by the commissioner of education based on the amounts required to be paid pursuant to K.S.A. 8-272(b)(2), and amendments thereto.
(h) On July 1, 2024, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $70,000 from the USAC E-rate program federal fund (561-00-3920-3920) of the state board of regents to the education technology coordinator fund (652-00-2157-2157) of the department of education.
(i) There is appropriated for the above agency from the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the following:

Children's cabinet administration (652-00-7000-7001)............. $276,533

Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the children's cabinet administration account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2024, is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2025.

(j) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the commissioner of education, with the approval of the director of the budget, may transfer any part of any item of appropriation for fiscal year 2025 from the state general fund for the department of education to another item of appropriation for fiscal year 2025 from the state general fund for the department of education. The commissioner of education shall certify each such transfer to the director of accounts and reports and shall transmit a copy of each such certification to the director of legislative research.
(k) There is appropriated for the above agency from the expanded lottery act revenues fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the following:

KPERS - school employer contribution (652-00-1700-1700)......................................... $42,826,858

Provided, That during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the amount appropriated from the expanded lottery act revenues fund in the KPERS - school employer contribution account (652-00-1700-1700) for the department of education shall be for the purpose of reducing the unfunded actuarial liability of the Kansas public employees retirement system attributable to the state of Kansas and participating employers under K.S.A. 74-4931, and amendments thereto, in accordance with K.S.A. 74-8768, and amendments thereto.

(l) On July 1, 2024, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in the communities in schools program fund to the SparkWheel program fund. On July 1, 2024, all liabilities of the communities in schools program fund are hereby transferred to and imposed on the SparkWheel program fund and the communities in schools program fund is hereby abolished.


Added by L. 2024, ch. 111,§ 2, eff. 5/30/2024.