Kan. Stat. § 68-521
The county clerk or some other county officer designated by the board shall give not less than 20 days' notice of the letting by publication in at least two consecutive weekly issues of the official county paper, the first publication of such notice to be not less than 20 days prior to such letting. The notice shall specify with reasonable minuteness the character of the improvement contemplated, where it is located, the kind of material to be used, the hour, date and place of letting of such contract, when the work is to be completed, and invite sealed proposals for the same. Such other notice may be given as the board may deem proper. All bids shall be made on the proposal blanks furnished by the county, signed by the bidder, sealed and delivered, or sent by mail, by the bidder, or the agent or attorney thereof, to the county clerk or to some other county officer designated by the board. The letting of all contracts shall be conducted in such manner as to give free, open competition, and all qualified bidders, shall be given an equal opportunity to bid upon the plans and specifications on file. Each bidder shall be required to accompany the submitted bid with a bid surety in an amount equal to 5% of the bid amount in the form prescribed by the board as a guarantee that, if the contract is awarded to the bidder, the bidder will enter into the contract with the board. If a bidder fails to enter into the contract when awarded to the bidder, the bid surety shall become the property of the county as its liquidated damages and shall be paid to the county treasurer for credit to the general fund of the county, and the board may award the contract to the next lowest responsible bidder. The bids shall be opened publicly by the board or a designee thereof at the place, date and hour named in the advertising notice, and all bids shall be considered, and accepted or rejected.
In case the work is let at such public letting or thereafter, the contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, or the board, if it deems the proposals too high, may reject all bids, and readvertise the work as before. No such contract shall be let at an amount exceeding 110% of the county engineer's estimated cost of the work. No such contract shall be considered as awarded unless the contractor shall within 21 days after the letting enter into contract and shall give the bond required by K.S.A. 60-1111, and amendments thereto, and a performance bond to the county in a penal sum equal to the amount of the contract price, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract, payable to the county upon failure to comply with the terms of the contract. The contractor shall file with the county clerk the bonds, which shall be approved by the chairperson of the board and the county attorney by their signatures indorsed thereon.
K.S.A. 68-521