Kan. Stat. § 68-2002
In order to provide for the construction of modern express highways or superhighways embodying, where feasible and necessary, safety devices, including center division, ample shoulder widths, longsight distances, multiple lanes in each direction and grade separation at intersections with other highways and railroads, and thereby facilitate vehicular traffic, provide better connections between the highway system of Kansas and the highway systems of the adjoining states, remove many of the present handicaps and hazards on the congested highways in the state, and promote the agricultural and industrial development of the state, the Kansas turnpike authority is hereby authorized and empowered to construct, maintain, repair and operate turnpike projects, and to issue revenue bonds of the authority, payable solely or partly from revenues, to finance such projects. No toll road project shall be undertaken unless and until such project and the proposed location therefor have been thoroughly studied with respect to traffic, engineering, cost and financing nor unless such study shows:
K.S.A. 68-2002