The parental detention or juvenile home or school or youth center shall be under the supervision of a superintendent or a director and other staff and employees, who shall be selected by and under the direction and supervision of the detention or parental home or youth center board of directors. The board of directors shall consist of six citizens of the county appointed and qualified as provided by this section. The judges of the district court of the county shall appoint three members of the board of directors as follows: A person expert in the care and treatment of both physical and emotional illnesses of children, a member of the board of education of the school system of the city of the first class within the county and a practicing member of the bar of the county. The board of county commissioners shall appoint three persons as follows: A person expert in law enforcement within the county; a person expert in business methods, bookkeeping, record keeping and accounting; and a representative or citizen at large. The members of the board of directors shall serve terms of three years commencing July 1 of the year of their appointment and ending at the expiration of three years unless terminated by resignation or inability to serve, the inability to be determined by the appointing authority. The board of directors shall establish program principles for the care and treatment of children committed to the center and shall generally supervise the operation of the center consistent with the revised Kansas code for care of children and the Kansas juvenile justice code and good child care principles.
K.S.A. 38-538