Kan. Stat. § 12-17,162

Current through 2024 Session Acts Chapter 111 and 2024 Special Session Acts Chapter 4
Section 12-17,162 - Definitions

As used in the STAR bonds financing act, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:

(a) "Auto race track facility" means:
(1) An auto race track facility and facilities directly related and necessary to the operation of an auto race track facility, including, but not limited to, grandstands, suites and viewing areas, concessions, souvenir facilities, catering facilities, visitor and retail centers, signage and temporary hospitality facilities, but excluding (2) hotels, motels, restaurants and retail facilities, not directly related to or necessary to the operation of such facility.
(b) "Commence work" means the manifest commencement of actual operations on the development site, such as, erecting a building, excavating the ground to lay a foundation or a basement or work of like description according to an approved plan of construction, with the intention and purpose to continue work until the project is completed.
(c) "De minimis" means an amount less than 15% of the land area within a STAR bond project district.
(d) "Developer" means any person, firm, corporation, partnership or limited liability company other than a city and other than an agency, political subdivision or instrumentality of the state. "Developer" includes the names of the owners, partners, officers or principals of the developer for purposes of inclusion of the name of the developer into any application, document or report pursuant to this act if such application, document or report is a public record.
(e) "Economic impact study" means a study to project the financial benefit of the project to the local, regional and state economies.
(f) "Eligible area" means a historic theater, major tourism area, major motorsports complex, auto race track facility, river walk canal facility, major multi-sport athletic complex, major business facility , a major commercial entertainment and tourism area or a major professional sports complex as determined by the secretary.
(g) "Feasibility study" means a feasibility study as defined in K.S.A. 12-17,166(b), and amendments thereto.
(h) "Historic theater" means a building constructed prior to 1940 that was constructed for the purpose of staging entertainment, including motion pictures, vaudeville shows or operas, that is operated by a nonprofit corporation and is designated by the state historic preservation officer as eligible to be on the Kansas register of historic places or is a member of the Kansas historic theatre association.
(i) "Historic theater sales tax increment" means the amount of state and local sales tax revenue imposed pursuant to K.S.A. 12-187 et seq., 79-3601 et seq. and 79-3701 et seq., and amendments thereto, collected from taxpayers doing business within the historic theater that is in excess of the amount of such taxes collected prior to the designation of the building as a historic theater for purposes of this act.
(j) "Major business facility" means a significant business headquarters or office building development designed to draw a substantial number of new visitors to Kansas and that has agreed to provide visitor tracking data to the secretary as requested by the secretary, including, but not limited to, residence zip code information, to be provided or held by the secretary without personally identifiable information. A major business facility shall meet sales tax increment revenue requirements that shall be established by the secretary independent of any associated retail businesses located in the STAR bond project district pursuant to the STAR bond project plan.
(k) "Major commercial entertainment and tourism area" means an area that may include, but not be limited to, a major multi-sport athletic complex.
(l) "Major motorsports complex" means a complex in Shawnee county that is utilized for the hosting of competitions involving motor vehicles, including, but not limited to, automobiles, motorcycles or other self-propelled vehicles other than a motorized bicycle or motorized wheelchair. Such project may include racetracks, all facilities directly related and necessary to the operation of a motorsports complex, including, but not limited to, parking lots, grandstands, suites and viewing areas, concessions, souvenir facilities, catering facilities, visitor and retail centers, signage and temporary hospitality facilities, but excluding hotels, motels, restaurants and retail facilities not directly related to or necessary to the operation of such facility.
(m) "Major tourism area" means an area for which the secretary has made a finding the capital improvements costing not less than $100,000,000 will be built in the state to construct an auto race track facility.
(n) "Major multi-sport athletic complex" means an athletic complex that is utilized for the training of athletes, the practice of athletic teams, the playing of athletic games or the hosting of events. Such project may include playing fields, parking lots and other developments including grandstands, suites and viewing areas, concessions, souvenir facilities, catering facilities, visitor centers, signage and temporary hospitality facilities, but excluding hotels, motels, restaurants and retail facilities, not directly related to or necessary to the operation of such facility.
(o) "Major professional sports complex" means a project, approved or pursuant to an authorized agreement as provided by section 1, and amendments thereto, located within this state including a stadium of not less than 30,000 seats for the purpose of the holding of national football league or major league baseball athletic contests and other events and gatherings or a practice or training facility utilized by a major professional sports franchise and all buildings, improvements, facilities or attractions located within any STAR bond project district as defined in subsection (cc)(2).
(p) "Major professional sports franchise" means any corporation, partnership or other entity that owns a team or franchise that is a member of the national football league or major league baseball that is located in any state adjacent to Kansas.
(q) "Market study" means a study to determine the ability of the project to gain market share locally, regionally and nationally and the ability of the project to gain sufficient market share to:
(1) Remain profitable past the term of repayment; and
(2) maintain status as a significant factor for travel decisions.
(r) "Market impact study" means a study to measure the impact of the proposed project on similar businesses in the project's market area.
(s) "Museum facility" means a separate newly-constructed museum building and facilities directly related and necessary to the operation thereof, including gift shops and restaurant facilities, but excluding hotels, motels, restaurants and retail facilities not directly related to or necessary to the operation of such facility. The museum facility shall be owned by the state, a city, county, other political subdivision of the state or a non-profit corporation, shall be managed by the state, a city, county, other political subdivision of the state or a non-profit corporation and may not be leased to any developer and shall not be located within any retail or commercial building.
(t) "Project" means a STAR bond project.
(u) "Project costs" means those costs necessary to implement a STAR bond project plan, including costs incurred for:
(1) Acquisition of real property within the STAR bond project area;
(2) payment of relocation assistance pursuant to a relocation assistance plan as provided in K.S.A. 12-17,173, and amendments thereto;
(3) site preparation including utility relocations;
(4) sanitary and storm sewers and lift stations;
(5) drainage conduits, channels, levees and river walk canal facilities;
(6) street grading, paving, graveling, macadamizing, curbing, guttering and surfacing;
(7) street light fixtures, connection and facilities;
(8) underground gas, water, heating and electrical services and connections located within the public right-of-way;
(9) sidewalks and pedestrian underpasses or overpasses;
(10) drives and driveway approaches located within the public right-of-way;
(11) water mains and extensions;
(12) plazas and arcades;
(13) parking facilities and multilevel parking structures devoted to parking only;
(14) landscaping and plantings, fountains, shelters, benches, sculptures, lighting, decorations and similar amenities;
(15) auto race track facility;
(16) major multi-sport athletic complex;
(17) museum facility;
(18) major motorsports complex;
(19) rural redevelopment project, including costs incurred in connection with the construction or renovation of buildings or other structures;
(20) major professional sports complex, including all costs necessary to implement a STAR bond project plan for the development of a major professional sports complex, including, but not limited to, costs incurred for construction or renovation of a stadium and other buildings, improvements, structures, facilities, infrastructure improvements and utilities or any related expenses to develop and finance such complex;
(21) related expenses to redevelop and finance the project, except that for a STAR bond project financed with special obligation bonds payable from the revenues described in K.S.A. 12-17,169(a)(1) or (a) (2)(A) and (a)(2)(B), and amendments thereto, such expenses shall require prior approval by the secretary of commerce; and
(22) except as specified in paragraphs (1) through (21) above, "project costs" does not include:
(A) Costs incurred in connection with the construction of buildings or other structures;
(B) fees and commissions paid to developers, real estate agents, financial advisors or any other consultants who represent the developers or any other businesses considering locating in or located in a STAR bond project district;
(C) salaries for local government employees;
(D) moving expenses for employees of the businesses locating within the STAR bond project district;
(E) property taxes for businesses that locate in the STAR bond project district;
(F) lobbying costs;
(G) any bond origination fee charged by the city or county;
(H) any personal property as defined in K.S.A. 79-102, and amendments thereto; and
(I) travel, entertainment and hospitality.
(v) "Projected market area" means any area within the state in which the project is projected to have a substantial fiscal or market impact upon businesses in such area.
(w) "River walk canal facilities" means a canal and related water features which flow through a major commercial entertainment and tourism area and facilities related or contiguous thereto, including, but not limited to, pedestrian walkways and promenades, landscaping and parking facilities.
(x) "Rural redevelopment project" means a project that is in an area outside of a metropolitan area with a population of more than 50,000, that is of regional importance, with capital investment of at least $3,000,000 and that will enhance the quality of life in the community and region.
(y) "Sales tax and revenue" are those revenues available to finance the issuance of special obligation bonds as identified in K.S.A. 12-17,168, and amendments thereto.
(z) "STAR bond" means a sales tax and revenue bond.
(aa) "STAR bond project" means:
(1) An approved project to implement a project plan for the development of the established STAR bond project district that:
(i) Has at least a $75,000,000 capital investment and $75,000,000 in projected gross annual sales; or
(ii) for metropolitan areas with a population of between 50,000 and 75,000, has at least a $40,000,000 capital investment and $40,000,000 in projected gross annual sales, if the project is deemed of high value by the secretary; or
(B) for areas outside of metropolitan areas with a population of more than 50,000, the secretary finds the project:
(i) Is an eligible area as defined in subsection (f); and
(ii) would be of regional or statewide importance;
(C) is a major tourism area as defined in subsection (m);
(D) is a major motorsports complex, as defined in subsection (l); or
(E) is a rural redevelopment project as defined in subsection (x); or
(2) A project approved or pursuant to an authorized agreement as provided by section 1, and amendments thereto, to implement one or more project plans for the development of a major professional sports complex with a combined capital investment of not less than $1,000,000,000.
(bb) "STAR bond project area" means the geographic area within the STAR bond project district in which there may be one or more projects.
(cc) "STAR bond project district" means:
(1) The specific area declared to be an eligible area as determined by the secretary in which the city or county may develop one or more STAR bond projects. A "STAR bond project district" includes a redevelopment district, as defined in K.S.A. 12-1770a, and amendments thereto, created prior to the effective date of this act for the Wichita Waterwalk project in Wichita, Kansas, provided, the city creating such redevelopment district submits an application for approval for STAR bond financing to the secretary on or before July 31, 2007, and receives a final letter of determination from the secretary approving or disapproving the request for STAR bond financing on or before November 1, 2007. No STAR bond project district shall include real property which has been part of another STAR bond project district unless such STAR bond project and STAR bond project district have been approved by the secretary of commerce pursuant to K.S.A. 12-17,164 and 12-17,165, and amendments thereto, prior to March 1, 2016. A STAR bond project district in a metropolitan area with a population of more than 50,000, shall be a contiguous parcel of real estate and shall be limited to those areas being developed by the STAR bond project and any area of real property reasonably anticipated to directly benefit from the redevelopment project; or
(2) the specific area approved or pursuant to an authorized agreement as provided by section 1, and amendments thereto, and that is declared to be an eligible area as determined by the secretary in which the city or county, or the secretary independently or with the participation of the city or county, as provided by K.S.A. 12-17,164, and amendments thereto, may develop one or more STAR bond projects as defined in subsection (aa)(2). Such area may include real property that is or has been a part of another STAR bond project district, however, any outstanding STAR bonds issued for such other STAR bond project district shall have priority for repayment. Any STAR bond project district as defined pursuant to this paragraph shall not be required to contain contiguous parcels of real estate or be limited to those areas being developed pursuant to any such STAR bond project.
(dd) "STAR bond project district plan" means the preliminary plan that identifies all of the proposed STAR bond project areas and identifies in a general manner all of the buildings, facilities and improvements in each that are proposed to be constructed or improved in each STAR bond project area.
(ee) "STAR bond project plan" means the plan adopted by a city or county for the development of a STAR bond project or projects in a STAR bond project district. "STAR bond project plan" includes a plan adopted by the secretary independently, the secretary with the participation of a city or county or a city or county as approved by the secretary, as provided by K.S.A. 12-17,164, and amendments thereto, for the development of a STAR bond project or projects as defined in subsection (aa)(2) in a STAR bond project district as defined in subsection (cc)(2) and approved or pursuant to an authorized agreement as provided by section 1, and amendments thereto.
(ff) "Secretary" means the secretary of commerce.
(gg) "Substantial change" means, as applicable, a change wherein the proposed plan or plans differ substantially from the intended purpose for which the STAR bond project district plan was approved.
(hh) "Tax increment" means:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), that portion of the revenue derived from state and local sales, use and transient guest tax imposed pursuant to K.S.A. 12-187 et seq., 12-1692 et seq., 79-3601 et seq. and 79-3701 et seq., and amendments thereto, collected from taxpayers doing business within that portion of a STAR bond project district occupied by a project that is in excess of the amount of base year revenue. For purposes of this subsection, the base year shall be the 12-month period immediately prior to the month in which the STAR bond project district is established. The department of revenue shall determine base year revenue by reference to the revenue collected during the base year from taxpayers doing business within the specific area in which a STAR bond project district is subsequently established. The base year of a STAR bond project district, following the addition of area to the STAR bond project district, shall be the base year for the original area, and with respect to the additional area, the base year shall be any 12-month period immediately prior to the month in which additional area is added to the STAR bond project district. For purposes of this subsection, revenue collected from taxpayers doing business within a STAR bond project district, or within a specific area in which a STAR bond project district is subsequently established shall not include local sales and use tax revenue that is sourced to jurisdictions other than those in which the project is located. The secretary of revenue and the secretary of commerce shall certify the appropriate amount of base year revenue for taxpayers relocating from within the state into a STAR bond district.
(2) With respect to any STAR bond project district as defined in subsection (cc)(2), "tax increment" may include all revenue described in paragraph (1) collected from retail sales from any business within such STAR bond project district. "Tax increment" shall include all revenue derived from the sale of alcoholic liquor as defined in K.S.A. 79-41a01, and amendments thereto, pursuant to K.S.A. 79-4101 and 79-41a02, and amendments thereto, collected from consumers purchasing alcoholic liquor within such STAR bond project district that is in excess of the amount of base year revenue for such taxes. The "tax increment" for any such STAR bond project district that has been independently established by the secretary as provided by K.S.A. 12-17,164, and amendments thereto, shall not include local sales, use or transient guest tax imposed pursuant to K.S.A. 12-187 et seq. and 12-1692 et seq., and amendments thereto, unless approved by a participating city or county as provided by K.S.A. 12-17,164, and amendments thereto. If a STAR bond project district as defined in subsection (cc)(2) includes real property that is or has been part of another previously approved STAR bond project district, the "tax increment" shall also exclude that portion of state and local sales, use or transient guest tax revenue pledged to repayment of any STAR bonds issued for a previously approved STAR bond project within such other district while such bonds are outstanding. The amount of base year revenue for any revenue derived from the sale of alcoholic liquor and any state sales and use taxes shall be set by the secretary in the secretary's sole discretion upon the establishment of a STAR bond project district as defined in K.S.A. 12-17,162(cc)(2), and amendments thereto. If local sales, use or transient guest tax revenue are also pledged by a city or county, whether such city or county is participating with the secretary, or is itself establishing such STAR bond project district, as provided by K.S.A. 12-17,164, and amendments thereto, the amount of base year revenue for such local tax revenues shall be set by the city or county in the city or county's discretion and approved by the secretary. Base year revenue determinations by the secretary or by the city or county as approved by the secretary shall not be required to be based on the procedure provided in paragraph (1).
(ii) "Taxpayer" means a person, corporation, limited liability company, S corporation, partnership, registered limited liability partnership, foundation, association, nonprofit entity, sole proprietorship, business trust, group or other entity that is subject to the Kansas income tax act, K.S.A. 79-3201 et seq., and amendments thereto.

K.S.A. 12-17,162

Amended by L. 2024SP1, ch. 2,§ 2, eff. 7/1/2024.
Amended by L. 2021, ch. 46,§ 2, eff. 7/1/2021.
Amended by L. 2016, ch. 89,§ 2, eff. 5/12/2016.
L. 2007, ch. 179, § 3; July 1.