Ind. Code § 8-9.5-7-3

Current through P.L. 171-2024
Section 8-9.5-7-3 - Establishment petition; notice; resolution
(a) An association, or if an association has not been formed under section 2 of this chapter owners of twenty-five percent (25%) of the parcels of real estate in any proposed automated transit district, may file a petition with the board of public works or board of transportation. A petition of an association shall be signed by a majority of its directors. A petition shall be sufficient if it sets forth:
(1) the boundaries of the proposed automated transit district which shall include all property which petitioners believe will be specially benefited or damaged by the proposed automated transit system;
(2) the location and a general description of the proposed automated transit system;
(3) the estimated cost of the proposed automated transit system; and
(4) as a part of the petition, or as an exhibit thereto, the names and addresses of all owners within the boundaries of the proposed district, as the same appear upon the tax duplicates in the records of the auditor of the county.
(b) The board of public works or board of transportation, upon the filing of such petition, shall fix a date for a hearing on the establishment of the proposed district. The association or petitioners, as the case may be, shall cause a notice to be mailed, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date fixed for hearing, by United States mail, first class postage prepaid, to all owners of real estate within the proposed district. It shall be sufficient if the notices to the owners are addressed as the names and addresses appear upon the tax duplicates in the records of the county auditor. Also, the association or petitioners shall cause a notice of the hearing and the date, place and hour thereof, to be published in accordance with IC 5-3-1.
(c) The notice to be published and mailed shall also contain a general description of the contents of the petition, specifically setting forth the boundaries of the proposed district, and shall state that all of the property in the proposed district will be assessed benefits or damages under this chapter for the proposed automated transit system, and that at the hearing all owners of real estate within the proposed district, or their representatives, may be heard upon the question of the establishment of the district. Proof of service shall be made by affidavit of the person, or persons, causing such service to be made.
(d) On the date fixed for hearing the board of public works or board of transportation shall hear all owners in the proposed district, who appear and request to be heard, upon the question of the sufficiency of the petition and notice, whether the proposed automated transit system is of public utility and benefit, whether all of the probable benefits of the proposed improvement will be equal to or exceed the estimated cost thereof, and whether the district contains all, or more or less than all, of the property specially benefited or damaged by the proposed system. After the hearing, which may be adjourned from time to time without further notice, the board of public works or board of transportation shall adopt a resolution containing the following determinations:
(1) Whether the petition is sufficient.
(2) Whether the required notice was given.
(3) Whether the proposed automated transit system is of public utility and benefit.
(4) Whether all of the probable benefits of the proposed system will equal or exceed the estimated cost thereof.
(5) Whether the proposed automated transit district contains all, or more, or less than all, of the property specially benefited or damaged by the proposed system.
(e) If the board of public works or board of transportation resolves affirmatively on the first four (4) questions and determines that the proposed district contains all of the property specially benefited or damaged, then it shall establish the district with the boundaries described in such petition. If it resolves negatively on any of the first four (4) questions, it may allow amendments, the issuance of additional notice, and hold such further proceedings as it deems proper, or the petition may be dismissed without prejudice to the right to file a new petition.
(f) In the event the board of public works or board of transportation determines that property not specially benefited or damaged has been included within boundaries described in the petition, then it shall redefine the boundaries of the district and in its resolution include only that property within the petition which is specially benefited or damaged and shall establish the district with the boundaries as redefined.
(g) In the event the board of public works or board of transportation determines that either:
(1) all of the property specially benefited or damaged has not been included within the boundaries described in the petition; or
(2) all of the property specially benefited or damaged has not been included within the boundaries described in the petition and some property has been included which is not specially benefited or damaged;

then in either event it shall fix a date for a further hearing. Notice shall be given of the further hearing, describing the proposed revised boundaries as provided in this section, except that notice by mail shall be given only to the owners in any area proposed to be added to the district which was not included in the initial petition. At such further hearing all owners of real estate or their representatives within the proposed district boundaries, as revised shall be entitled to be heard, and the board of public works or board of transportation shall then adopt its resolution on establishment of the automated transit district.

(h) Any resolution entered establishing an automated transit district shall also recite that all property within the district will be subject to assessment of special benefits and damages in the manner provided in this chapter.
(i) The resolution shall be deemed notice to all owners who have appeared, or who have been notified of the proceedings, as provided in this section, that their property will be subject to an assessment of special benefits and damages as provided in this chapter and that no further notice of such assessments, or of the hearing thereon, shall be required except the notice by publication provided for in this chapter.
(j) The resolution of the board of public works or board of transportation that establishes the automated transit district must be approved by the legislative body of the city. Thereafter, the resolution shall be final and conclusive and no attack may be made challenging the resolution on the establishment of the automated transit district, the validity of the petition, the sufficiency of notice, the existence of the automated transit district, the public utility and benefit of the proposed automated transit system, that the benefits equal or exceed the estimated cost, the boundaries of the district, or any other matters before the board of public works or board of transportation, unless an appeal is taken as provided in this section.
(k) A copy of the resolution establishing an automated transit district, certified by the clerk, shall be recorded in the miscellaneous records in the office of the recorder of the county in which the city is located.
(l) Any party aggrieved by a resolution made under the provisions of this section may appeal. Such appeal shall be taken as provided in IC 34-13-6. However, in the event that fifty-one percent (51%) of the owners of property located in such automated transit district remonstrate by petition to the board of public works or board of transportation, signatures on such petition shall be verified by the auditor of such county, and if found to be valid shall cause further actions on the establishment of an automated transit district to cease.

IC 8-9.5-7-3

As added by Acts1982 , P.L. 77, SEC.1. Amended by P.L. 1-1998, SEC.88.