Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as applying to the running or operating of engines in taking engines to or from trains at division terminals by engine hostlers, or the shifting of cars or making up trains, or doing any work appurtenant thereto to any engine-houses, train or freight yards by switchman or yardman, or in the case of the disability of a qualified engineer or conductor while out on the road between division terminals, or in case of strike, where such companies can not obtain employees mentioned in this chapter who have the qualifications prescribed by the provisions thereof, than such companies may employ temporary firemen, engineers and conductors who have not the qualifications prescribed by this chapter, but no such employment shall continue longer than such companies can supply their respective places with employees who have the qualifications prescribed by this chapter. And, provided further, That nothing herein contained shall relieve any such companies from the negligence of any of its employees.
IC 8-9-5-5