Ind. Code § 8-22-3-16

Current through P.L. 171-2024
Section 8-22-3-16 - Issuance of bonds
(a) The board may issue general obligation bonds of the authority for the purpose of procuring funds to pay the cost of acquiring real property, or constructing, enlarging, improving, remodeling, repairing, or equipping buildings, structures, runways, or other facilities, for use as or in connection with or for administrative purposes of the airport. The issuance of the bonds must be authorized by ordinance of the board providing for the amount, terms, and tenor of the bonds and for the time and character of notice and the mode of making sale. If one (1) airport is owned by the authority, an ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds for a separate second airport is subject to approval as provided in this section. The bonds bear interest and are payable at the times and places that the board determines but running not more than twenty-five (25) years after the date of their issuance, and they must be executed in the name of the authority by the president of the board and attested by the secretary who shall affix to each of the bonds the official seal of the authority. The interest coupons attached to the bonds may be executed by placing on them the facsimile signature of the president of the board.
(b) The issuance of general obligation bonds must be approved by resolution of the following body:
(1) When the authority is established by an eligible entity, by its fiscal body.
(2) When the authority is established by two (2) or more eligible entities acting jointly, by the fiscal body of each of those entities.
(3) When the authority was established under IC 19-6-2 (before its repeal), by the mayor of the consolidated city, and if a second airport is to be funded, also by the city-county council.
(4) When the authority was established under IC 19-6-3 (before its repeal), by the county council.
(c) The airport director shall manage and supervise the preparation, advertisement, and sale of the bonds, subject to the authorizing ordinance. Before the sale of the bonds, the airport director shall cause notice of the sale to be published once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in two (2) newspapers of general circulation published in the district, setting out the time and place where bids will be received, the amount and maturity dates of the issue, the maximum interest rate, and the terms and conditions of sale and delivery of the bonds. The bonds shall be sold to the highest bidder, in accordance with the procedures for selling public bonds. After the bonds have been properly sold and executed, the airport director shall deliver them to the treasurer of the authority and take a receipt for them, and shall certify to the treasurer the amount which the purchaser is to pay for them, together with the name and address of the purchaser. On payment of the purchase price, the treasurer shall deliver the bonds to the purchaser, and the treasurer and airport director or superintendent shall report their actions to the board.
(d) The provisions of IC 6-1.1-20 and IC 5-1 relating to:
(1) the filing of a petition requesting the issuance of bonds and giving notice of them;
(2) the giving of notice of determination to issue bonds;
(3) the giving of notice of hearing on the appropriation of the proceeds of bonds and the right of taxpayers to appeal and be heard on the proposed appropriation;
(4) the approval of the appropriation by the department of local government finance;
(5) the right of:
(A) taxpayers and voters to remonstrate against the issuance of bonds, in the case of a proposed bond issue described by IC 6-1.1-20-3.1(a); or
(B) voters to vote on the issuance of bonds, in the case of a proposed bond issue described by IC 6-1.1-20-3.5(a); and
(6) the sale of bonds at public sale for not less than par value;

are applicable to proceedings under this chapter for the issuance of general obligation bonds.

(e) Bonds issued under this chapter are not a corporate obligation or indebtedness of any eligible entity but are an indebtedness of the authority as a municipal corporation. An action to question the validity of the bonds issued or to prevent their issue must be instituted not later than the date set for sale of the bonds, and all of the bonds after that date are incontestable.

IC 8-22-3-16

Pre-Local Government Recodification Citations: 19-6-2-20; 19-6-3-21 part; 19-6-3.5-20.

As added by Acts1980 , P.L. 8, SEC.73. Amended by P.L. 90-2002, SEC.328; P.L. 219-2007, SEC.94; P.L. 146-2008, SEC.364.