Section 8-18-21-8 - Revenue bonds; execution; notice of sale; sale(a) The revenue bonds shall be executed by the president of the board of directors, the corporate seal of the authority shall be affixed to the bonds and attested by the secretary of the board, and the interest coupons attached to the bonds shall be executed by placing the facsimile signature of the treasurer of the board on them.(b) Notice of the sale of the bonds shall be published in accordance with IC 5-3-1.(c) The board of directors shall sell the bonds at public sale, for not less than their par value. The board shall award the bonds to the highest bidder, as determined by computing the total interest on the bonds from the date of sale to the dates of maturity and deducting from that amount the premium bid, if any. Any premium received from the sale of the bonds shall be used solely for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds. If the bonds are not sold on the date fixed for the sale, then the sale may be continued from day to day until a satisfactory bid has been received.As added by P.L. 386-1987 (ss), SEC.21.