Section 8-18-20-5 - Hearing on creation; notice by publication; resolution; filing; proof of establishment(a) Whenever the county auditor receives a notice that:(1) is signed by the presiding officers of the county executive, the county fiscal body, and the municipal fiscal body of the county seat;(2) states that those bodies have agreed to hold a public hearing on and consider the creation of a county toll road authority; and(3) fixes a time and place for that hearing; the auditor shall give notice by publication of the hearing. The notice shall be published in accordance with IC 5-3-1, and must state the time, place, and purpose of the hearing.
(b) The members of the executive of the county and the fiscal bodies of the county and county seat shall meet at the time and place fixed in the notice. The presiding officers of each of the three (3) bodies shall elect one (1) of their number to preside as chairman at the hearing, another as vice chairman, and another as secretary.(c) All interested citizens and taxpayers of the county may appear and are entitled to be heard at the hearing.(d) The authority shall be established if, within sixty (60) days after the hearing, a concurrent resolution declaring a need for the authority is agreed upon and separately adopted by the county executive and county and municipal fiscal bodies.(e) A copy of the concurrent resolution that is certified by affidavits of the county auditor and municipal clerk showing the date of adoption of the resolution by the three (3) bodies must be filed in the office of the recorder of the county for recording in the miscellaneous records. The certified and recorded copy of the resolution is admissible in evidence in any action or proceeding as proof of the establishment of the authority.As added by P.L. 386-1987 (ss), SEC.20.