Ind. Code § 8-1-8.5-5.5
When, in the opinion of the commission, changes in the estimate of the probable future growth of the use of electricity so indicate, the commission shall commence a review of any certificate granted under this chapter to determine whether the public convenience and necessity continues to require the facility under construction. If the commission finds that completion of the facility under construction is no longer in the public interest, the commission may modify or revoke the certificate. In conducting a review under this section, the commission shall consider whether the completion of the facility under construction will result in the provision of electric utility service with the attributes set forth in IC 8-1-2-0.6, including:
as described in IC 8-1-2-0.6, in making a determination as to whether the public convenience and necessity continues to require the facility under construction.
IC 8-1-8.5-5.5