Section 6-1.1-6.7-22 - Prohibited acts upon filter strip lands(a) A person may not do any of the following on land classified as a filter strip: (1) Except as provided in subsection (b), cultivate or harvest crops.(2) Erect a dwelling or other building.(3) Graze a domestic animal or permit grazing by a domestic animal.(5) Mow before July of any year after the first year in which the filter strip is established.(6) Engage in any practice that permanently alters land or vegetation on the land.(b) A person may up to three (3) times a year cut grass-legumes for hay on land classified as a filter strip. However, reseeding is required upon recommendation of the county surveyor with the concurrence of the local soil and water conservation district in which the filter strip is located.As added by P.L. 55-1991, SEC.1.